miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Job position in synthesis of photonic structures

Bolsa de empleo: http://www.biocat.cat/es/bolsa-de-empleo
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Institución:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Contacto correo-e:ana.garcia@csic.es
The Multifunctional Optical Materials Group (http://www.mom.icmse.csic.es/) at CSIC (Spain) is looking for suitable candidates to apply for a position to work within the group.

We offer a 12 months contract for a job position in the field of synthesis, preparation and characterization of photonic structures by wet deposition methods. Candidates also will design and evaluate the properties of the structures synthesized using program codes based on MatLab software.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Candidates applying for this position must hold a bachelor degree in Chemistry or Physics and have a solid background in sol-gel and thin layer deposition techniques. Laboratory work experience is required as well as the use of computational and graphics software. Candidates must also be able to think creatively and work as a part of a multidisciplinary team.

PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Candidates are requested to send a full curriculum vitae and a letter of presentation to both Dr. Hernán Míguez (h.miguez@csic.es) and Dr. Ana García Navarro (ana.garcia@csic.es) before August the 31st.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
The Multifunctional Optical Materials Group of the Institute of Materials Science of Seville is devoted to the development of new photonic structures in which several other functionalities are combined. Materials design, preparation, and characterization, as well as device integration, are all performed within the group to yield a full approach to the problems addressed and give rise to creative solutions. The group comprises a team of materials chemists and physicists that cover all different aspects involved, ranging from the synthesis of nanomaterials to the simulation of the electro-optical performance of devices.

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