Latest News
- Report on the Workshop on Self-service terminals and Assistive technologies of 7 December 2009
(15 December 2009)The purpose of this meeting was to provide information on the upcoming call for proposals of the Competitiveness Innovation Programme in the area of self-service terminals and assistive technologies. A report of the workshop is now available. In addition to this report, two market studies have been published that provide, for the first study, an overview of the markets for the adaptation of self-service terminals to the disabled, and, for the second study, an overview of the accessibility portals for assistive technologies.
- Report: eInclusion public policies in Europe
(15 December 2009)Three years after the Riga Ministerial conference, it is an appropriate time for assessing the way public policies, at various levels of governmental policy making, have tackled the numerous issues under the e-Inclusion agenda. The report analyzes the various e-Inclusion public policy initiatives that have blossomed all across Europe, stemming from Member States, Local Authorities, but also from the European Commission itself, and draws lessons from them.
- Call for papers: Technology Enhanced Learning against social exclusion
(16 December 2009)In view of an upcoming issue, eLearning Papers is looking for articles and practical case descriptions with real life examples about how ICTs have been already used for social inclusion. The article submission closes on 26 January 2010. The provisional date of publication is the end of April 2010. eLearning Papers is a digital publication created as part of the portal. The portal is an initiative of the European Commission to promote the use of multimedia technologies and Internet at the service of education and training.
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) launches the first three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)
(17 December 2009)The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) announced today its first three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs). KICs are highly integrated partnerships, bringing together excellent higher education, research and business around the topics of climate change mitigation and adaptation ('Climate-KIC'), sustainable energy ('KIC InnoEnergy') and the future information and communication society ('EIT ICT Labs') respectively. The launch of the KICs marks a crucial step in setting up the EIT, which is designed to become a role model for boosting innovation in Europe and thereby contributing to the goals of the future EU 2020 strategy.
See also: Frequently-asked questions about the EIT's Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)
- Commission launches consultation on EU 2020: a new strategy to make the EU a smarter, greener social market
(18 December 2009)The Commission has issued a public consultation document on giving the EU economy a brighter future through the EU 2020 Strategy. EU 2020 aims to deliver greener and socially inclusive growth, as outlined by President Barroso in his Political Guidelines. The new Strategy will build on the achievements of the Lisbon Strategy, while learning its lessons. The consultation paper sets out a vision for how EU 2020 will focus on entrenching recovery from the crisis, helping to prevent a similar one in future and on three thematic objectives: creating value through knowledge; empowering people in inclusive societies; and creating a competitive, connected and greener economy. The deadline for responses to the consultation is 15 January 2010. The new Commission will then make a detailed proposal to the Spring European Council.
- reminder: Public consultation on the new EU Disability Strategy is open until 4 January 2010
(18 December 2009)The European Commission is preparing a new EU Disability Strategy for 2010 to 2020. In this context, the Commission is seeking the opinion of the public on problems of people with disabilities and on ways of solving them. The questionnaire can be completed in about 20 minutes. The results will be used in the preparation of the new Disability Strategy. The questionnaire will remain active until 4 January 2010 and is accessible by clicking on the headline of this news item.
- Conference on Ageing and technology
23 March 2010 - 25 March 2010 University of Vechta, Germany
120 national and international experts will discuss the state of the art on Ageing and Technology from 2010-03-23 to 2010-03-25 in Vechta, Lower Saxony, Germany. Organized by the Lower Saxony Research Network "Design of Environments for Ageing", the conference aims at researchers in gerontology and geriatrics, computer scientists, technicians, sociologists, economists and psychologists working in the field of "Ageing and Technology" or "Ambient Assisted Living". Prof. Sabine Koch (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm) will give the keynote presentation entitled "Healthy ageing supported by technology - an interdisciplinary research challenge" on Tuesday. Dr. Paul Timmers (ICT for Inclusion, European Commission) will give a lecture on the political framework and European goals for ICT and inclusion on the second day.
- 4th European eAccessibility Forum - eAccessibility of Public Services in Europe
12 April 2010 Paris, France
The conference will provide a unique opportunity to discuss the complementary aspects involved in making an accessible Information Society a reality in Europe. It will provide an opportunity to hear at first-hand about experiences from users with disabilities, public organisations and industry. The speakers are specialists involved in organisations representing users and consumers with disabilities, research organisations and companies operating at a European level or worldwide. The conference will also consider the harmonisation of good practices over Europe.
- pHealth2010 call for papers
26 May 2010 - 28 May 2010 Berlin, Germany
the call for papers for pHealth2010 conference is open. Information and deadlines are shown in the attached flyer. Both, oral presentations and posters can be submitted before 31/01/2010. Submission information is available on the website.
See also: Personal Health Systems at EC DGINFSO ICT for Health - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- 12th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs -ICCHP 2010
14 July 2010 - 16 July 2010 Vienna, Austria
This event focuses on all aspects related to Assistive Technologies (AT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for people with disabilities. User involvement and user centred design are the underlying general topics of ICCHP, with the aim to generate an interdisciplinary discussion of all stakeholders. A call for papers is open until February 1st 2010.
- ICT 2010 – Mark your calendar for Europe's most visible forum on ICT research and innovation
27 September 2010 - 29 September 2010 Brussels, Belgium
When? 27 - 29 September 2010. Where? Heysel in Brussels, Belgium. This biennial event has become a unique gathering point for researchers, business people, investors, and high level policy makers in the field of digital innovation. ICT 2010 will focus on policy priorities such as Europe's Digital Agenda and the next financial programme of the European Union. The two main themes for the event will be ICT for sustainable growth in a low carbon economy and ICT for and by the citizen.
- eChallenges e-2010 Conference - Call for papers
27 October 2010 - 29 October 2010 Warsaw, Poland
eChallenges e-2010 will focus on applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges. The organsisers are now inviting extended abstracts (1,200 - 1,500 words) for technical papers, visionary papers, business and government case studies.
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