Latest News
- COGKNOW project helps people with mild dementia to get through their day
(1 February 2010)The aim of this FP6 funded project was to address a range of different needs of mild dementia patients and come up with a simple, user-friendly device to meet those needs. The end result is a flat-screen monitor for the home, which can be either wall mounted or standalone, and a mobile smart phone with a much simplified user interface installed. The COGKNOW consortium is looking for new partners to help with commercialisation and marketing in the shape of an established software provider, preferably with experience in mobile applications, and companies specialising in reselling and providing solutions to the care and medical sectors in individual countries or groups of countries.
- i2home project featured on BBC News
(14 February 2010)The EU-funded i2home project is aimed at giving greater independence and freedom to older and disabled people, including people with cognitive disabilities. The "smart-home" technology of i2home allows people to control household appliances via their mobile phone or other gadgets.
See also: website of the i2home project
- ICT 2010: Call for proposals to exhibit cutting edge research and innovation projects
(15 February 2010)The European Commission today published the Call for Proposals for exhibits at ICT2010 on 27-29 September 2010. The Commission is looking for ideas in the area of upstream ICT innovation as well as close-to-market projects. We invite any organisation involved in European research and development as well as deployment projects and associated support activities to submit an idea for an exhibit. The call is open to all sorts of actors in ICT research: universities, research institutes, non-profit organisations, public authorities and commercial companies including small and medium sized enterprises. Closing date: 30 March 2010.
See also: ICT 2010 on Twitter
- European e-Skills week
1 March 2010 - 5 March 2010 Europe
European e-Skills Week highlights the growing demand for skilled ICT users and professionals to drive a competitive and innovative Europe. This campaign seeks to inform students, young professionals and SMEs about the vast range of opportunities that ICT-related jobs present. The event is expected to involve 300,000 participants in more than 100 activities. Public authorities, ICT companies, education institutions and students will engage in hundreds of activities, training events, competitions and much more. The events will take place across Europe with more than 20 participating countries.
- Bled 2010 eConference - Call for papers - reminder
20 June 2010 - 23 June 2010 Bled, Slovenia
The theme for this year's conference is eTrust: Implications for the Individual, Enterprises and Society. It reflects an ongoing discussion about fundamental considerations for the growth and stability of markets and communities: trust. Deadline for submission of research papers is extended to 26 February.
- 5th International Carers Conference: New Frontiers In Caring: 2010 And Beyond
8 July 2010 - 11 July 2010 Leeds, UK
The 5th International Carers Conference will focus on four key themes, identified through latest international debate: - Health, Social Care and Well-being Services; - Caring and Employment; - Technology, Design and the Built Environment; - Financial and Legal Planning Products and Services. The conference will bring together the international community of researchers, practitioners and those with an interest in caring to debate critical issues and exchange expertise and experience. Mapping the policy framework from around the world, the conference will explore innovation and seek real solutions to the care crunch.
- eChallenges e-2010 Conference - Call for papers
27 October 2010 - 29 October 2010 Warsaw, Poland
eChallenges e-2010 will focus on applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges. The organsisers are now inviting extended abstracts (1,200 - 1,500 words) for technical papers, visionary papers, business and government case studies.
New in the Library
- K4Care - Knowledge-Based Home-Care eServices for an Ageing Europe
17 February 2010
An integrated knowledge-based intelligent technology is being made available to help in the management and provision of health care services to chronically ill patients anytime and anywhere through the Web. The K4CARE project involved the joint effort of 4 technological institutions and 7 health care centres. This consortium combined experiences of old and new EU countries to define a new health care model for care of elderly people. New knowledge-based ICT technologies were researched, developed and integrated in a final product that implements the health care model as a web platform. This is a validated prototype that optimises the safe management of the care of chronically ill patients at home.
See also: K4Care website
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