lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

eHealth Newsletter - 08/02/2010

8 February 2010
This newsletter is sent on a monthly basis (sometimes biweekly). For more regular updates please visit the Europa eHealth newsroom or subscribe to the eHealth RSS feed.

Latest News

24th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation - ECMS 2010

1 June 2010 - 4 June 2010 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ECMS 2010 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners of modelling in simulation from Europe and Asia. Organised under the headline "Simulation meets global challenges" the conference emphasises the fact that in today's global economy the regional concerns have been replaced by global concerns about topics such as industry, economy and climate.


WCIT 2010

25 May 2010 - 27 May 2010 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Business leaders, public officials and opinion leaders will share and build a vision of a connected planet with access for all. ICT as an enabler for economic growth will be the main topic on the agenda for WCIT 2010. The conference is structured aroung 9 main tracks, including themes such as eGovernment, eHealth and eInclusion.


Telehealth 2010 at CeBIT

2 March 2010 - 6 March 2010 Hannover, Germany

TeleHealth is CeBIT's exhibition platform for ehealth solutions. With its three part format - Conference, Expo and Networking - it serves as a political platform for the industry. Under the tagline "IT in Healthcare Delivery", TeleHealth 2010 will try to paint a vivid picture of the role of IT in healthcare - how it is being used now and in the future to improve efficiency and patient welfare and provide practical support for doctors and medical staff.

International Conference on Early Disease Detection and Prevention (EDDP) 2010

25 February 2010 - 28 February 2010 Munich, Germany

The EDDP conference will focus on the early detection and prevention in Heart disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Renal diseases and how it relates to Health policy issues. The scientific programme features an international panel of speakers as well as a concurrent exhibition. It is expected to draw hundreds of participants from around the globe, including medical practitioners, scientists, investigators, opinion leaders, formulators of health policies and health managers.


IADIS International Conference e-Health 2010

29 July 2010 - 31 July 2010 Freiburg, Germany

This conference aims to draw together information systems, practitioners and management experts from all quadrants involved in developing computer technology to improve healthcare quality. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Healthcare Services is the main mechanism to improve efficiency and effectiveness.


IWEEE 2010 - International Workshop on eHealth in Emerging Economies

10 February 2010 - 12 February 2010 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

IWEEE 2010 brings together a multi-disciplinary team representing NGOs, Academia, Government, Church and Industry to share their experiences and to try to find ways to improve the lives of millions of human beings from the developing world. IWEEE is not a pure technical conference. It will focus on the human factor and in raising awareness about the actual situation. It will discuss the tools that can be provided today to doctors and institutions to improve their habitants' health and education.


MEDICON 2010 - 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing

27 May 2010 - 30 May 2010 Chalkidiki, Greece

The event intends to provide an international forum for discussing the latest results in the field of medical and biological engineering and computing. The scientific program will consist of invited keynote talks given by leading scientists in the field, and special track sessions and workshops that cover a broad array of issues which relate technology and computing to (bio)medicine. A call for papers is open until 14 February.

Chronic disease management platform

(1 February 2010)CHRONIOUS is a European project aimed at defining an open platform to manage and monitor patients with chronic diseases during their daily life through the implementation and deployment of a platform that will be worn by the patients. The smart wearable platform is based on multi-parametric sensor data processing and is constantly monitoring their activity using audio observation methods and activity sensors, while at the same time tracking their medical condition via vital signs sensors. An overarching goal of the proposed system is to underline and emphasize, as well as built upon the partnership between technology-centred and human-centred sciences as technologies for sensing, interacting, computing and communicating become increasingly ubiquitous.

See also:

Commission asks Bulgaria to apply EU rules making radio spectrum available for devices that help senior citizens - hearing aids and social alarms

(28 January 2010)The European Commission today started legal action against Bulgaria and called on it to make sure the technical requirements are in place for hearing aids, social alarms and emergency buttons at home, for old and disabled people. Bulgaria has not followed EU rules saying the 169 MHz frequency band should be made available to applications of social value and electronic services such as asset tracking and paging systems. EU rules aim at harmonising use of this radio spectrum band in the EU to facilitate the development and take-up of such applications. Bulgaria should have complied with the Commission Decision on this band by 1 January 2007 and to an update of these rules by 31 October 2008.

Reminder: Objective ICT-2009.5.3 - Virtual Physiological Human in Call 6

(Deadline: 13/04/2010) The health domain and its three main industries, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and eHealth, are dominant economic sectors with respect to employment creation and growth. Sustainable delivery of quality healthcare at affordable cost is a major challenge for European healthcare systems for a variety of reasons. This calls for changes in the way healthcare is delivered and the way medical knowledge is managed and transferred to clinical practice. The Call 6 opened on 24/11/2009 for Virtual Physiological Human proposals (Objective ICT-2009.5.3) among other topics. Specific details of the VPH call can be found on the ICT for Health VPH page.


New in the Library

VPHOP project gets international

4 February 2010

2010 will see two satellite projects kicked-off to further strengthen the VPHOP cluster. The first is called NMS Physiome, where NMS stands for NeuroMusculoSkeletal, and define a three years cooperation between some partners of VPHOP and some partners of SIMBIOS, the USA NIH Center for physics-based Simulation of Biological Structures established at Stanford University ( and the second project, named MSV, aims to extend the MAF software we shall use in VPHOP to develop the end-user applications with capabilities to provide interactive visualisation of data defined on radically different spatiotemporal scales. This goal is pursued in collaboration with NA-MIC, the USA NIH National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Center ( To follow the VPHOP project, subscribe to the newsletter.

See also: The Ostheoporotic Virtual Physiological Human

USEandDIFFUSE project - SMEs best practices

1 February 2010

The Strategic Objective of the USEandDIFFUSE project is to enhance the dissemination and exploitation of research results and facilitate the exchange of best practices in this area. They have produced a guide packed with helpful information advice, quotes and real-life examples from SMEs that participated in 24 Best Practice projects.

Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media, Privacy: the challenges ahead for the European Union

Keynote Speech at the Data Protection Day, Brussels, 28 January 2010

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