martes, 9 de febrero de 2010


(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

Institución:Centre tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
The Optical Networking Area of the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) offers a Fellowship (FPI) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) to carry out a PhD Thesis associated to the Fundamental Research Project "Design and evaluation of intelligent optical networks based on hybrid nodes with Ethernet and wavelength switching" (DORADO). Project code:TEC2009-07995.

The aim of the DORADO project is to investigate Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON),Connection-Oriented Ethernet (COE), and Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) technologies as the basis for cost-efficient, high-speed, flexible and dynamic optical transport networks. This is done from an integrated approach that includes technological aspects of modelling, design, performance evaluationand experimentation in the ADRENALINE Testbed® of both optical communication systems and opticalnetworks.

The following list summarizes the main scientific and technical objectives that will be addressed:

- Spectrally-efficient transmission systems based on optical OFDM. Investigation of all-optical OFDMtransmission systems to overcome the limitations induced by electronic processing.

- Advanced optical performance monitoring techniques for dynamically reconfigurable transparent opticalnetworks.

- Centralized and distributed RWA algorithms and reservation protocols along with the required extensionsto the current protocols for provisioning/recovery of optical services in WSON.

- Grooming and aggregation algorithms for Ethernet, along with the required protocol extensions, for theefficient provisioning/recovery of connection-oriented Ethernet services over WSON.

- Development of an experimentation platform to study the performance of GMPLS-enabled connectionorientedEthernet transport over WSON.

We are looking for students with a MS degree in Telecommunications or Computer Science, with a good academic record, and a strong motivation for research in optical networks or optical communication systems.The Fellowship-contract has a maximum duration of 48 months (24 months of fellowship tenure + 24 monthsof work contract tenure). The fellowship stipend will be 1.142€ per month (gross). Online submission of application forms will be open from February 8 to February 22, 2010. Instructions and more information about the submission process are available at the MICINN website:
Interested candidates contact with:

Raul Muñoz, PhD
Optical Networking Area (ONA)
CTTC - Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 7, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain.
Tel: +34 93 645 29 13. Fax: +34 93 645 29 01.
ONA wiki:

Información complementaria de la oferta:
See Above

Los artículos de OFER-TRABEC son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (

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