miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012


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Contacto correo-e:fgc@cenim.csic.es
A pre-doctoral position is available for innovative work on the physical metallurgy of nanocrystalline steels at the Spanish National Centre for Metals Research (CENIM, CSIC) in Madrid.

Our laboratory current research interests involve both, applied and fundamental aspects of the processing, characterization and mechanical behavior of advanced steels.
Candidates should have a degree on Materials Science, Physics or Chemistry. Holding a master or diploma degree is highly desirable.

Candidates are expected to take significant responsibility for the research, to work within the environment of a large research group and to communicate and manage relationships with research international partners. Information about the kind of work we do can be found on http://www.cenim.csic.es/downloadzone/grupos/MATERALIA/PaginaWebSpanish/WebMateralia.html

Applicants should submit curriculum vitae to Dr. Francisca G. Caballero, fgc@cenim.csic.es, Physical Metallurgy Department, CENIM-CSIC. The position is available for appointment on early 2013.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Francisca García Caballero
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM-CSIC)
Av. Gregorio del Amo, 8
28040 MADRID

Tlf: 0034 91 553 89 00 (Ext 373)


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