viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Digital Agenda for Europe Newsroom Update Weekly - 19/04/2013

Europe's Communications Networks, Content & Technology Newsroom Update
Europe's Communications Networks, Content & Technology Newsroom Update
Weekly Issue - 19 April 2013

Latest News

ICT in schools survey - many children not getting what they need; teachers need more training and support.

(19 April 2013) Students and teachers in Europe are keen to "go digital", computer numbers have doubled since 2006 and most schools are now "connected", but use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) and digital skill levels are very uneven.

European Commission welcomes European Parliament's vote to extend mandate of ENISA and strengthen EU Cybersecurity

(16 April 2013) The European Commission welcomes the vote of the European Parliament in a plenary session today to extend the mandate of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).

Commission welcomes Member States' endorsement of EU Open Data rules

(11 April 2013) The European Commission welcomes endorsement by the EU Council's 'Coreper' committee (EU Committee of Member States' Permanent Representatives) of the Commission's effort to open-up public sector data for re-use across Europe.

European Commission halts German plans to set fixed termination rates 3-times above EU-average

(8 April 2013) The European Commission has blocked a proposal by the German Telecoms Regulator (BNetzA) to set fixed termination rates three times (300%) higher than the average of countries which follow the recommended approach set out in EU telecoms rules.


Burn Fat not Energy

9 April 2013

Watch the FUTURIS video on how EU research project SPORTE2 helps sports centres save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.

See also: SPORTE2's website

New in the Library

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
Your Europe, Your Future

'Your Europe, Your Say 2013' European Economic and Social Committee youngsters conference, Brussels, 18 April 2013

ICT for Societal Challenges: new publication on research and innovation projects

12 April 2013

This booklet highlights some of the many EU initiatives and co-funded research and innovation projects which address societal challenges through digital innovation, such as better healthcare, independent living for the elderly, delivering effective public services, energy saving, smart transport, secure internet, inclusion, preservation of cultural heritage.


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