miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: PhD Student Position

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Institución:Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Contacto correo-e:lorena.fernandez-mosquera@med.uni-goettingen.de
PhD Student Position

Mitochondrial Signaling and Neurodegeneration

A PhD position is available in the laboratory of Nuno Raimundo, sponsored by the European Research Council. Our research focuses on the role of mitochondria as a signaling platform, affecting cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, autophagy and death. We employ cellular and mouse models of mitochondrial malfunction and a combination of biochemistry, cell/molecular biology, advanced imaging and cutting-edge multi-dimensional genomics (e.g., Raimundo et al., Cell 2012 148: 716-726). This position will focus on how mitochondrial signaling can lead to neurodegeneration.
Exceptional, highly motivated candidates are invited to apply. The successful candidate will be an active member of a vibrant international team and will get direct supervision from the PI in the techniques and throughout the development of the project. The project will involve animal models of mitochondrial malfunction, preparation of primary cultures (e.g., MEFs, neurons), and molecular follow-up using advanced imaging, real-time respirometry, genomics and biochemistry.
Enthusiasm, independence, reliability and organizational skills are essential. Experience with handling live mice, microscopy (spinning-disk, live imaging) and primary cultures is advantageous. The key selection criteria will be the candidate's previous experience and the motivation to provide enduring research efforts with a high level of intellectual creativity, persistence and dedication. Excellent communication, teamwork, scientific and personal ethics and interpersonal skills are expected.
The position is based at the Institute of Cellular Biochemistry, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. Fluency in English and a Masters degree in a relevant field (e.g. Biochemistry, Biology or related) are required.
Please forward your application, containing a motivation letter, CV and contacts of three referees by August 30th to nuno.raimundo@med.uni-goettingen.de. The estimated start date is November 2013.

Información complementaria de la oferta:

Universitaetsmedizin Goettingen
Institute of Cellular Biochemistry Goettingen, GERMANY

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