jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Post Doctoral Fellow Appointment in Image...

#forums.Forum#: Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-10-16 08:57:29.600696+02

Post Doctoral Fellow Appointment in Image Processing at MINES-ParisTech

Detection of Defects in Non-Destructive Inspection

18 months Post-Doctoral Fellow Appointment in Image Processing

A Post Doctoral Fellow Appointment in Image Processing, as soon as possible and for a period of 18 months, is available with the Center for Mathematical Morphology at MINES-ParisTech. The Center for Mathematical Morphology groups 12 permanent researchers and a team of around 15 PhD candidates and PostDocs and is located in the center of Fontainebleau (50 km south-east from Paris).

Research Context of the Project

The successful applicant will participate in a research project ATHENA held by the French Pôle de l?Industrie Nucléaire. The project groups several major energetic and steel-industry actors, several SMEs and research partners.

The objective of the project is to develop a novel, contactless system of non-destructive testing of critical components in the energetic and aeronautic industry. The system is mounted on a robotic arm and is entirely automated. The detection part is based on active thermography imaging. Its key parts are an active infrared camera coupled with local heating provided by a laser beam. Defects that form a local thermal dissipation perturbation are seen by the camera. The images provided by the system are to be analyzed by means of image processing techniques to detect presents defects. These image processing research tasks will be the responsibility of this postdoc.

The principal objectives of this postdoc position

  • develop and code new descriptors, operators and algorithms able to reliably detect the defects in thermal images
  • evaluate the performances on a collection of sample images
  • participate in project reviews and meetings
  • write technical reports and scientific communications. Promising results are expected to be published in journals and conferences.

Required Skills

  • A PhD degree in the image processing domain
  • A record of publications in scientific journals and conferences
  • Programming skills in C/C++ and python desirable
  • Fluent English and/or French

Application file

A resume, a transcript of academic records, two recommendation letters, the PhD manuscript, selected publications and a cover letter. Please send your application to petr.dokladal@mines-paristech.fr

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