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Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envie:
Institución:Parc Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona
Contacto correo-e:coopext1@cervantes.es
We are seeking motivated students with an excellent track-record to apply to a FPI Ph.D fellowship (deadline 22 February 2010) to undertake a Ph.D thesis on ''The molecular mechanisms of early development of the inner ear'' (starting in autumn 2010).
The inner ear is one of the most sophisticated sensory organs of the head and is responsible for our communication with the world through the senses of hearing and balance. During the development of the inner ear, many genes are activated in a very precise spatiotemporal manner to coordinate cell fate, morphogenesis and patterning. In our laboratory we have begun to decipher some of the main genetic regulatory interactions between transcription factors and signaling pathways that are necessary for neural patterning of the inner ear. The aim of the project is to further dissect the integration of FGF, RA and Notch signaling inputs in proneural function and the cross-interaction of neurogenic with nonneurogenic genes. Experiments will use cellullar, molecular biology and genomic techniques, and will take advantage of chick and zebrafish model organisms for functional experiments.
The PRBB (www.prbb.org) is a big research infrastructure with more than 1300 scientists, including 30% of foreign researchers. Recently, in EMBO reports, the PRBB was put forward as one of the five excellence centers in Spain that can attract researchers from over the world.
Potential applicants please submit before the 15th of February a curriculum vitae, academic record and short letter explaining the reasons for selecting the project to:
Berta Alsina
E-mail: berta.alsina@upf.edu
Tel. +34 93 3160837
Fax. +34 93 3160901
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Los artículos de OFER-TRABEC son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (http://www.rediris.es)
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