miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

[Ofertas para Ingenieria Informatica e ITT-Telematica] University of Edinburgh [31/05/2010]

Forum: Ofertas para Ingenieria Informatica e ITT-Telematica
Thread: BECAS
Author: Jesus V. Albert Blanco
Posted: 2010-04-28 16:11:58.798589+02

University of Edinburgh

Código oferta: I010-2010
Fecha inicio: 28/04/2010
Fecha fin: 31/05/2010

PhD position in Computer Architecture at University of Edinburgh (EU citizens only)

A fully funded position for PhD studies starting in September 2010 is now
available in the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh. Due
to funding restrictions the position is only open to citizens of the
European Union.

The PhD will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. Marcelo Cintra
(www.homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/mc) and within the renown CArD group
(www.icsa.informatics.ed.ac.uk/compilers). The proposed work is on hardware
prefetchers for future many-core systems with high-bandwidth 3D stacked
DRAM. For more details on the project please contact Prof. Cintra at

Prospective candidates should have completed, or expect to complete by
September 2010, a "first-class" (i.e., being ranked at the top 10% of the
class) B.Sc. or M.Sc. degree from a well established University. Candidates
are expected to have a solid background in one or more of the following:
computer architecture, optimizing compilers, parallel programming languages
and systems, processor design, and operating systems. Also, programming
experience in a major imperative programming language (e.g., C, C++, Java)
is desired. Finally, reasonable fluency in English is expected.

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Cintra directly at
mc@staffmail.ed.ac.uk providing a C.V. and a letter of reference. The
deadline for applications is May 31st 2010.

The University of Edinburgh has been consistently ranked among the top
Universities in the world by THES and ARWU. The School of Informatics has
been ranked at the very top in the UK by the RAE since this UK government
funded assessment began in 1992. The CArD group is one of the leading
academic research groups in Europe in the areas of computer architecture,
optimizing compilers, and parallel programming.

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