martes, 25 de enero de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: 3 contract positions in vision and cognitive robot

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Institución:University of the Algarve (Portugal)
One postdoc and two PhD student positions in vision and cognitive robotics
Start: 1st of April 2011
Where: Vision Laboratory, Univ. of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal

These positions are in the context of the European project NeuroDynamics (A neuro-dynamic framework for cognitive robotics: scene representations, behavioural sequences, and learning). This project will have a duration of four years, hence ideal for preparing a PhD thesis and for substantial
postdoc experience. Our role is to develop object and scene representations in collaboration with Prof. Gregor Schoener at the Institut fuer Neuroinformatik in Bochum (Germany). The development of models of cortical visual processing is themain subject, i.e., the what and where pathways with covert and overt attention until invariant object recognition with pose estimation, but the
models will be integrated for visuomotor sequences on a robot which inter-acts with a person while manipulating objects on a table. Apart from the
robot-table scenario, there is room for experimenting with a mobile robot which is also equipped with a stereo camera.

About 2000 euro/month for the postdoc and 1500 e/m for each PhD student. There are no tuition fees. Salaries are exempt from taxation and ample forPortuguese standards, i.e., saving money for e.g. home flights is possible.
Candidates are expected to pay the first flight to Faro from own money.

General: teamworker with fluency in English and C/C++ programming; LINUX; CUDA is optional. MSc or PhD degree in relevant areas like Computer Science, preferably obtained before April 1st, 2011.
Specific: at least knowledgeable in active vision - cortical models, multiscale
representations, Gabor filters, line/edge and keypoint detection, attention, optical flow, disparity, gist vision, reinforcement learning, 3D object recognition, object pose estimation.
Very specific: DNF (dynamic neural field) theory, task management, reward,
personality and emotions, episodic and procedural memory, robot/motor control,
visuomotor sequencing.

We are...
a small group with one postdoc, two PhD students, four MSc students plus some
undergrads, all working on vision models and cognition.
For recent publications see
Journal papers are in BioSystems (2006, 2009) and Cognitive Processing (2009).
Please note that the lab's webpages are a bit outdated...

If your profile matches the general requirements plus some combination of the
specific requirements, please send a BRIEF CV with personnel data, education,
experience and list of publications (postdoc!) in ONE pdf file (yourname.pdf)
to me by email (, with Subject: NeuroDynamics application
Suitable candidates will be asked to provide a few references later.
Selected candidates from non-European countries will be sent a declaration in
order to apply for a Visa.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Prof. Hans du Buf (

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