miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

EU eHealth in focus - Newsletter update - 27/03/2013

Europe's Communications Networks, Content & Technologies - eHealth News
27th of March 2013

Top News

EU and US step up cooperation in eHealth IT

International Cooperation

The European Commission's Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT) and the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have agreed on a roadmap to strengthen transatlantic cooperation in eHealth and Health information technologies (IT).



eHealth: Experts attempt to create legal clarity

During eHealth Week 2013 in Dublin (13-15/5) the European Commission is organizing a workshop on legal issues surrounding cross-border eHealth deployment. Read more...

eHealth Week 2013: eHealth networking event of the year

eHealth Week

Next to interesting workshops, eHealth Week 2013 will be all about networking. Commissioners and other high level politicians will be there to interact, and participants from both the EU as the US will have their own networking marketplace.


ICT2013 Networking Sessions

The ICT2013 event is a unique opportunity for networking. You have a specific topic to propose and discuss? Bid for a dedicated networking slot at the ICT2013 event - you will be visible before, at and after the event!



Trust in the Digital World - CSP EU Forum

(18/04/2013 — 19/04/2013) The conference is DG CNECT's major event to discuss its policy and research of trustworthy and secure ICT in Europe with business, academia and the public sector.



mHealth conference "MovingLife"


(18/04/2013) At the international stakeholder conference "MovingLife", a consolidated roadmap and an action plan for mHealth will be presented and discussed. Read more...

Conférence «m-santé»: Quel modèle économique ?

(16/05/2013) Vous êtes invités à la conférence «m-santé» : Quel modèle économique? Quels investissements, quelle organisation, quelle rentabilité ? Public visé : Laboratoires, hôpitaux, médécins, assurances, telecom, SSII, investisseurs.




Cross-border eHealth experiment in the Danube eRegion

In Slovenia a major cross-border experimenting effort has been launched concerning ICT-based healthcare and related disciplines in the Danube eRegion. Read more...


Video: How ICT can improve joint replacement surgery

Joint replacement surgery is much more successful with the use of ICT and computational modelling. It also decreases the costs associated with subsequent joint revision surgeries and it improves the quality of life of patients following such procedures.



Video: Playing for Health


Binge eating, chronic pain, addiction...all very hard to treat. What if you can get better by playing a 3D videogame? That's what the project "Playmancer" (part of the 7th Framework Programme of the EU) has made possible.

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