#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2013-11-13 09:04:28.671038+01
PostDoc Position at the Center for Mathematical Morphology
Text is everywhere in our everyday life. It conveys important information such as directions, news, information about the content of a package, expiration date of consumption products, just to name a few. This information is not accessible to visual impaired persons.
The aim of LINX project is to make this information available to everyone, thanks to the use of a smart-phone.
The goal of this PostDoc is to develop the whole image processing chain, from the acquired image or video to its semantic interpretation. The following topics, among others, will be addressed:
- Image correction of specific mobile biases: geometric deformations, extended depth of focus, illumination correction...
- Adaptive filtering
- Super-resolution techniques in order to enhance image quality
- Robust scene-text detection algorithms
The PostDoc candidate will be involved in a collaborative project OCR and code integration on mobile phone will be carried out by other partners. The PostDoc candidate will take part in the discussions in order to assure the coherence of the whole system.
Place: Center for mathematical morphology. Mines ParisTech. Fontainebleau. (http://cmm.ensmp.fr)Requirements:
- Good knowledge of image processing and machine learning techniques.
- Good programming skills (C++)
- Fluent English.
For further details, please contact Beatriz Marcotegui (Beatriz.Marcotegui@mines-paristech.fr).
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