jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: CRA freelance for Sarcoma International Study

Bolsa de empleo: http://www.biocat.cat/es/bolsa-de-empleo
(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).

Institución:Grupo Español de Investigación en Sarcomas (GEIS)
Contacto correo-e:melissa.crc@grupogeis.org
The Spanish Sarcoma Reserch Group is looking for a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) for a phase I-II study as a home-based freelance.

The selected person should have a Master in Clinical Trials or more than 3 years experience.

Functions will cover all life cycle of the study, monitorizing paticipanting sites around Spain. However, English knowledge is a must as this is an international study.

Economic conditions: negotiable.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
For more details send us an email asking for complete CRA Job Offer Description or send us directly your CV and motivation letter in English to:

Melissa Fernández: melissa.crc@grupogeis.org
Mamen Roncero: mamen.crc@grupogeis.org

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