lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: PhD. thesis in Prostate Cancer Research

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Institución:Biomedical Research Unit, Institut de Recerca Vall d'Hebron

You have a very good score at college (academic expedient 2.2 or higher) and a official Master degree?
You are looking for a good laboratory to realize your PhD. thesis?

We are seeking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic candidate to apply for a 3 year fellowship in Prostate Cancer Research and Translational Oncology.

Información complementaria de la oferta:

Interested applicants should send a detailed CV including the official transcript (expediente académico de la licenciatura) until 25.11.2010

Dr. Andreas Doll
Biomedical Research Unit
Vall d'Hebron Hospital Research Institute Pg. Vall d'Hebron 119-129
08035 Barcelona

Further Information:

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