miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

eHealth Newsletter - 05/01/2011

5 January 2011
This newsletter is sent on a monthly basis (sometimes biweekly). For more regular updates please visit the Europa eHealth newsroom or subscribe to the eHealth RSS feed.

Latest News

Second MedEX Workshop: Call for Paper deadline 01 February 2011

28 March 2011 Hyderabad, India

This workshop is devoted to the technologies for dealing with social- and multi media for medical information gathering and exchange. This specific data and the processes of information gathering poses many chal-lenges given the increasing content on the Web and the trade off of filtering noise at the cost of losing information which is potentially relevant. These issues are compounded by their impact on both information producers and consumers in the health care community. Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers of no more than 8 pages in the standard LNCS paper format. Paper should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as a volume of CEUR-WS. Prospective authors are expected to present their papers at the workshop.

Contact: denecke@L3S.de
See also: Blog of the project

A new system for event-based surveillance will be presented at CeBIT 2011 and at IMED 2011

1 March 2011 - 5 March 2011

The system relies upon new event detection technologies and a broad range of information sources including multi media data and Web 2.0 content. In the first year of project duration, the consortium of the EU-funded M-Eco project worked towards a first prototype of a new event-based surveillance system. The challenges and short-comings of existing tools for early detection of disease outbreaks are addressed in that project by using additional information sources, applying more sophisticated event detection technologies and by personlizing and filtering the results. The first prototype of the system is now available and is presented at CeBIT, the international trade show on digital technologies. Research-wise, the project results will be presented with several contributions at the International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED 2011) on February 4-7, 2011 in Vienna, Austria. The project in general will be presented as well as results from user studies and results from technological research of the project.

Contact: denecke@l3s.de
See also: About M-Eco project

We're Making It Personal – Are You?

17 January 2011 - 18 January 2011 Brussels, Belgium

This symposium will bring together healthcare professionals, researchers, companies, entrepreneurs, policy makers, health ministries and other stakeholders for an in-depth look at a variety of Personal Connected Health solutions and how these tools and services will fit into Europe's current and future healthcare model. The symposium will specifically target Chronic Condition Management, Ageing Independently and Health & Wellness topics.

See also: EC Research on Personal Health Systems

The Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human [eHealth success stories]

(4 January 2011) Osteoporosis is becoming one of the most serious diseases for the European ageing population: nearly four million osteoporotic bone fractures cost the European health system more than €30 billion per year, and kill 250,000 elders for related complications; this figure could double by 2050. Today a woman has the same probability to die of a hip fracture than of breast cancer. The aim of VPHOP project is to develop a novel multiscale modelling technology that could fight osteoporosis by predicting the bone risk of fracture more effectively than the current Standard of Care. With VPHOP, the European Virtual Physiological Human Initiative exhibits the potential to address today's socio-economic challenges and gain technologically competitive advantages for Europe.

See also: Virtual Physiological Human - projects

Flanders Primary Care Safe - Market Consultation: deadline 28/01/2011

(4 January 2011) With the assistance of ICT applications and networks, Flanders aims to support and facilitate smooth cooperation between the various primary care actors by efficiently sharing patient records, increasing the quality and availability of the records and consequently reducing the administrative burdens, wherever the patient is staying. In order to examine which of the components that are available on the market can be used to develop the Primary Care Safe, the Flemish authorities launched a market consultation in December 2010. Companies that can supply or develop modules have the opportunity to submit their proposals until 28 January 2011. The companies whose components best meet the objectives of the Primary Care Safe will afterwards be invited to further explain their proposal. The outcomes of the market consultation will provide important input for the possible announcement of a tender for the purchase of components for the realisation of the Primary Care Safe.

Contact: cedric.royer@wvg.vlaanderen.be
See also: Primary care safe for the Flanders region - Tender

FP8 Research in eHealth - Survey deadline: 17.01.2011 12:00

(16 December 2010) The Framework Programme 8 (FP8) is due to start in 2014. The ICT for Health (eHealth) domain is expected to be an important element of the ICT research field, part of the FP8. Through this survey we would like to get your opinion to help us shaping the future research activities in this field.

Contact: Survey to be sent back before 17/01/2011 12:00
See also: Follow us on twitter

New in the Library

INTERSTRESS newsletter

22 December 2010

NTERSTRESS was launched in 2010 with the aim of designing, developing, and testing an advanced ICT-based solution for the assessment and treatment of psychological stress. The project will use a new eHealth concept known as Interreality, which the creators define as a hybrid, closed-loop, empowering experience bridging both physical and virtual worlds into one seamless reality. In other words, behaviour in the physical world will influence the virtual world experience, and behaviour in the virtual world will influence the real-world experience. Clinical use of interreality is based on a closed-loop concept that involves the use of technology for assessing, adjusting, and/or moderating the emotional regulation of the individual. Read the newsletter for more details.

See also: Other Research Projects in the field of eHealth

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