miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

eHealth Newsletter - 12/01/2011

12 January 2011
This newsletter is sent on a monthly basis (sometimes biweekly). For more regular updates please visit the Europa eHealth newsroom or subscribe to the eHealth RSS feed.

Latest News

Future Internet Assembly Gent

17 May 2011 - 19 May 2011 Budapest, Hungary

Please help shape it! Provide suggestions for cross-cutting Future Internet related topics to be discussed on the next FIA. Until 23 January you can either suggest a new topic, or you can vote for a topic suggested by somebody else that you want to support on http://www.future-internet.eu/home/shape-fia.html. From all these ideas, the newly formed FIA Steering Committee will select a balanced programme for FIA Budapest that addresses the topics of interest of the community. The proposers of the ideas will be invited to become part of FIA's Programme Committee. Thanks for your participation and we are looking forward to your ideas!

See also: ICT for Health Research

16th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference - Call for Abstracts deadline 15/01/2011

10 January 2011 Gatineau, Canada

CT16 "Evidence-Based Clinical Applications of Information Technology" will explore the uses of the following technologies in the diagnosis, assessment, prevention and treatment mental and physical disorders. To submit your abstract, register for the conference or obtain additional information, please visit the CT16 website. Note that abstracts will be published in a regular issue of the Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation (JCR).

Tour du monde des projets d'e-santé

(11 January 2011) Quelle est la situation de la "santé numérique" dans les différents pays qui travaillent sur des projets d'e-Santé ? Point rapide sur les grands chantiers d'e-santé dans le monde.

See also: projet epSOS

Lancement d'appels à projets pour le développement du cloud computing, de l'e-education et de l'e-santé

(11 January 2011) Le ministre de l'Economie numérique (France) a annoncé le lancement de plusieurs appels à projets dans le cadre du grand emprunt pour le développement du cloud computing, de l'e-education, de l'e-santé, et pour aider à la création de start-up.

Dehems Project at the Birmingham Living Lab - Video

(12 January 2011) Watch the latest Dehems video and check the Project results at the Birmingham Living Lab. Enjoy some interesting interviews with some of its participants sharing their experiences of the system.

Input requested for AAL Joint Programme Call 4 - deadline is Friday 14 January 2011.

(12 January 2011) The preparation of AAL call 4 is in full swing. The AAL partner states gave priority to the topics "Mobility" and "Information & Learning & User Interfaces". The AAL JP is eager to receive input from the AAL community regarding these topical areas. Also ideas are welcome for combining both areas. Which gaps do you observe and what are the priorities, what can be the potential impact, what is the state of the art and how can multinational collaboration enable improvement for the European situation? And – last but not least – please provide us with information about activities that are already ongoing in your country in these topical areas! To enable the AAL community to contribute to the call 4 definition, an open consultation process is planned.

Results of the Workshop on 'EU Social Networks and EU R&I Programmes'

(11 January 2011) At the workshop on "EU Social Networks and EU R&I Programmes" (Brussels, 26 November 2010), the European Commission welcomed the public presentation of the "Group of EU Social Networks" and the constitution of the Steering Group "EU competitiveness on the web" with representatives of all web-related industry sectors under the aegis of the European Commission.

EU project "Microactive" develops 'in-office' health test system

(10 January 2011) One of the most nerve-racking things about being tested for some medical condition is the long wait you endure while you wait for your results to come in. It could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to know your results. But EU-funded researchers are changing all this. The EC DG INFSO ICT for Health MICROACTIVE ('Automatic detection of disease related molecular cell activity') project has developed a microchip that allows physicians to diagnose a patient's condition right in their office. MICROACTIVE received EUR 1.6 million under the EU's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

Contact: eHealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: More on EU funded projects under FP6

Commission launches public consultation on the Professional Qualifications Directive and a European Professional Card (deadline 15.03.11)

(7 January 2011) The Commission services have today launched a public consultation on the Professional Qualifications Directive (Directive 2005/36/EC). The consultation is an opportunity for stakeholders to highlight areas of the Directive they feel could be simplified and made more user-friendly. It also seeks views on how to better integrate professionals working in the Single Market, and raises the option of a European Professional Card. This Directive is key to enabling professionals to take full advantage of the potential of the Single Market in finding a job or extending their business in another Member State. The results of the Consultation will feed into an evaluation report and a Green Paper due this autumn. The Commission will come forward with a proposal for modernising the Directive in 2012. Stakeholders are invited to respond until 15 March 2011, and a public hearing is scheduled for 21 February 2011.

Digital Agenda: simple smart phones and remote controls help elderly and disabled to manage their homes

(6 January 2011) With more than two and a half million Euros of EU funding, researchers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Sweden have developed a solution to give elderly and disabled people easier control over the various electronic appliances and services in their homes using their mobile phone or other devices. The "I2HOME" project has developed a personalised and simplified Universal Remote Console interface based on existing and evolving open standards. This interface can be in a universal remote control, a mobile phone, a computer or other devices and can be used to, for example, switch on and programme washing machines, lighting, heating, air conditioning, TVs, DVD players/recorders and other household devices. The technology can also be applied outside the home. Harnessing information and communications technologies to support dignified and high quality independent living for the elderly, visually impaired or people with cognitive disabilities is one of the key objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe, adopted by the European Commission in May 2010.

See also: Website I2HOME

New in the Library

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, Hungary's new media law

Open Hearing on Freedom of the Press in Hungary, European Parliament, Brussels, 11 January 2011

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