martes, 11 de enero de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Postdoctoral position - Active Remote Sensing

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Institución:Institute of Geomatics
The Institute of Geomatics invites applications for a

Postdoctoral position
for the
Active Remote Sensing Unit

Reference: VN_CP_2011-01_TA-PD, issued 12/01/2011

1 Description of the position

Postdoctoral position at the Active Remote Sensing Unit of the Institute of Geomatics.
Duration: 3 years.
Salary: depends on the candidate profile.
Reporting: to the Head of the Unit.
Functions and activities:
- Scientific, technical and academic activities of the Unit.
- Education activities of the Unit (courses, master, etc.).
- Technical and scientific project management.
- Scientific support to other researchers' activities.
- Supervision of Master and doctoral thesis, and final projects.

2 The Institute of Geomatics

The Institute of Geomatics is a non-profit public consortium of the autonomous Government of Catalonia (GC) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). It was created by law of the GC in 1997 and its mission is to promote and develop geomatics, through applied research and education, for the general benefit of society.

The Institute of Geomatics is organized along modern academic management principles. It integrates a friendly and motivating research atmosphere together with scientific, technical and administrative rigor. We practice the knowledge triangle of research, innovation and education. We measure our performance. We trust and respect people.

3 The Active Remote Sensing Unit (TA)

The Active Remote Sensing unit has the objective to carry out research related to the generation and analysis of spaceborne, airborne and ground-based data and to develop thereof scientific and technical applications. As its name indicates, the activities of the TA unit are related to active sensor types, as for example Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Laser Scanners. Nevertheless, TA has
experience with passive sensors that produce for instance optical images.

From the applications point of view TA is highly specialized in the measurement and monitoring of deformations. In addition the unit's curriculum includes works in other applications like Digital Terrain Model generation among others. These are the current fundamental research areas of the TA unit:
- Algorithms and analysis methods: interferometric SAR (InSAR), differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR)
and terrestrial SAR,
- Measurement of deformations with DInSAR, with emphasis on topics related to the evaluation of the quality of measurements and the validation of DInSAR techniques,
- Terrestrial active remote sensing techniques: laser scanner and terrestrial SAR.

4 Research terms of reference

The candidate is expected to contribute to the main research areas of the Active Remote Sensing unit, which are described in the previous section. This will represent approximately 60-70% of his/her activity. In addition, the candidate could develop new research lines within the Active Remote Sensing unit, which will be typically related to his/her previous research experience. The new research lines should be in accordance with the following terms of reference:
- Airborne LiDAR:
+ feature and attribute extraction techniques,
+ integration with photogrammetric data,
+ development of applications related to cartography, 3D city models and GIS modelling.
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning:
+ feature and attribute extraction techniques,
+ integration with data acquired by other terrestrial sensors,
+ development of geomatic applications.
- New imaging and non-imaging sensors:
+ integration and fusion of multiple data sources for information extraction,
+ data validation,
+ development of geomatic applications.

5 Candidate profile

- There are three mandatory requirements (to be addressed in the cover letter):
+ Academic background: PhD in geomatics or related disciplines (engineering, physics, mathematics
or computer science).
+ PhD obtained between 1/9/2006 and 17/2/2011. In addition, if the PhD degree was obtained before
17th August 2009, it is required to have done at least 12 months of research in a
research centre.
+ At least two publications in international and peer-reviewed journals related to the research terms
of reference of this call.

- Language skills: the candidate is expected to communicate fluently and flawlessly in English. She/he is
expected to reach a sufficient "operational" communication level in Catalan or Spanish within one year.

6 Candidate selection procedure

The position is subjected to a two-stage selection process: the Institute of Geomatics and a competitive programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The candidates selected in this call by the Institute of Geomatics will apply, jointly with the Institute, to the competitive Sub-programme "Juan de la Cierva" of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN-JDC, Postdoctoral Junior Grants). For this reason, this call has specific and mandatory requirements, see the Section "Candidate profile". More details can be found at:

7 Applications

This call and its specific rules (if applicable) are published at For this call no Institute staff is eligible and only external candidates shall be considered.

Applications shall contain:
- A cover letter according to the model "cover_letter_model.pdf" document in the IG's web.
- A detailed CV supported by documental evidence.
- One letter of reference.
The required documentation shall be sent to Marta Agudo, Please, also indicate the web
site where you have found this call.

INDICATE REFERENCE VN_CP_2011-01_TA-PD, in all communication.
Deadline for the presentation of applications is 27/01/2011.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
The required documentation shall be sent to Marta Agudo, Please, also indicate the web
site where you have found this call.

INDICATE REFERENCE VN_CP_2011-01_TA-PD, in all communication.
Deadline for the presentation of applications is 27/01/2011.

See also:

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