Latest News
- Commission closes infringement case after UK correctly implements EU rules on privacy in electronic communications
(26 January 2012) The European Commission has closed an infringement case against the UK in recognition that UK national legislation has now been changed to properly implement EU rules on ePrivacy and data protection on the confidentiality of communications such as email or Internet browsing. The Commission believes UK law and institutions are now well-equipped to enforce the privacy rights of UK users.
See also: Commission acts to ensure that European legislation is fully and properly implemented
- Pre-announcement of the 5th Call for proposals of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
The 5th Call for proposals of the AAL Joint Programme will aim at the development of ICT-based solutions which enable and sustain older adults to continue managing their daily activities in their home. This call aims also at ICT-based solutions which support informal carers in their assistance. It is anticipated that the call will be launched at the end of February 2012, with a proposal submission deadline at the end of May 2012. The information event will take place on 13 March 2012 in Brussels. All potential proposers are strongly advised to come to the information event, and those wishing to attend should register their interest by sending an e-mail to Jacqueline Teller before 24 February 2012.
Contact: Jacqueline Teller
New in the Library
- Future and Emerging Technologies Newsletter - January 2012
27 January 2012
This newsletter informs about ongoing and future activities in the field of Future and Emerging Technologies and presents some key results and achievements of ongoing projects and initiatives. This months issue focuses on these topics: Perspectives of FET under Horizon 2020, the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation; Results from the FET-Open commissioned study to boost exploratory power of open research; The FET-Flagship Pilots Midterm Conference held in Warsaw in November 2011; Findings from FET-Proactive consultation meetings feeding Work Programme 2013.
- Healthier ageing is just a click away
27 January 2012
2012 is the European Year for Active Aging. With an ever older population, Europe is looking for ways to improve the quality of living of their elderly people, a generation far more active and technologically trained than previous ones. This Futuris will take a look at how ICT devices can help patients with three different diseases to increase their quality of living -while staying at their homes. In Cadiz, Spain, we'll be visiting an elderly house and a home where patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are currently testing a brand new device that will help them to know if an unexpected respiratory crisis is about to happen. This will help them call for aid in a faster way, or better prepare their transportation to nearby hospitals. We'll be meeting COPD patients, personal caretakers, doctos and the computer scientists that have developed the prototype.
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
- Setting up the European Cloud Partnership
Setting up the European Cloud Partnership World Economic Forum Davos, Switzerland
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
- Creativity for the Creative Sector: Entertaining Europe in the Electronic Age
European Parliament Intellectual Property Forum, European Parliament, Brussels, 24 January 2012
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