martes, 3 de julio de 2012

e-Inclusion Newsletter - 03/07/2012

3 July 2012

Latest News

European Innovation Partnership: Strong stakeholder support for action on active and healthy ageing

(27 June 2012) Efforts to increase the healthy lifespan of EU citizens by two years received a major boost today as 261 projects were submitted for inclusion in the European Innovation Partnership for active and healthy ageing. The partnership brings together more than 50 regions, technology companies and health providers to deliver solutions for: better adherence to medical treatment, prevention of falls, prevention of functional decline and frailty, integrated care models, independent living and active ageing, age-friendly buildings, cities and environments. The 261 projects were submitted by groups of stakeholders spanning the public and private sector. In addition, 54 regions and municipalities offered themselves as 'reference sites', to exchange good practice and to share knowledge and experience on past successes in this domain. The massive response from stakeholders shows a real drive in Europe to ensure better lifestyles, higher quality of care and recognition of the business potential of our ageing society.

Findings from the Whole System Demonstrator cluster randomised trial

(27 June 2012) Several studies have been conducted on the impact of telehealth for people with long term conditions, but findings have been mixed. Some research suggests that telehealth can help patients develop a better understanding of their condition, leading to better quality and more appropriate care, as well as more efficient use of health care resources, but other studies have found negative effects. However, assessing the scale of such an effect is complex. So, an international team, led by researchers at the Nuffield Trust, set out to assess the impact of telehealth on hospital use for 3,230 patients with long term conditions (diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure) over one year. The study is one of the largest telehealth studies ever conducted.

See also: The article

European Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations Awards

(27 June 2012) As part of the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012, the European Commission is launching the European Year 2012 Awards in order to celebrate organisations and individuals that promote active ageing through their activities. Have a look and participate.

Cloud4All Pan European Workshop and User Forum at the 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs

10 July 2012 ICCHP, University of Linz

Cloud4All is a groundbreaking technology platform allowing everybody to feel comfortable using any kind of software. The platform is most useful for people with disabilities and older people. It allows its users to face the same interface every time they use a computer, any computer or mobile device. It will give access to thousands of software applications designed specially for them. Cloud4All users have easier access to all kinds of on‐line services such as on‐line shopping, e‐government, health services, culture and leisure, e‐banking, job search and learning. Cloud4all also provides a common platform for developers to write software specific for this community. It is also useful for people who want to rest their eyes or hands and for those with little computer literacy. The objective of the Workshop is to have a discussion among stakeholders involved in serving these communities to make Cloud4All as useful as possible to society. The Workshop introduces the Cloud4All concept, demo results so far and the roadmap going forward. The workshop will offer plenty of time for feedback and discussion. The event is part of the Cloud4All IP initiative, partially funded under FP7. The User Forum presents Cloud4All especially to end-users—elderly people and people with disabilities and their representatives (tutors, trainers, carers)-as well as other stakeholders and experts, to give their technical and practical feedback, suggestions and concerns about prototypes of the project solutions. Presentations of the cloud solutions will be grouped so that participants can discuss and evaluate those that specifically affect their own disability. Speakers include Gregg Vanderheiden, Fausto Sainz, Ulrike Peter, and Jutta Croll and Maria Gemou.

See also: project web site

Networking for European ICT Research & Development - ICT Proposers' Day 2012 | #ICTproposer12

26 September 2012 - 27 September 2012 Warsaw, Poland

The ICT Proposers' Day is a unique networking opportunity to build quality partnerships for participating in the new Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme for 2013. As of end of June, the website will facilitate online networking.

See also: Prepare in advance and learn more about the networking facilities by exploring last year's ICT Proposers' day in Budapest

New in the Library

Executive summary of the BRAID project - Bridging Research in Ageing and Information and Communication Technology Development

27 June 2012

The EU-funded BRAID project (Bridging Research in Ageing and Information and Communication Technology Development) has engaged with key stakeholders to develop a comprehensive Research and Technological Development (RTD) Roadmap for Ageing. As it is reaching completion, the project has published an Executive Summary, a 32 page document that provides a summary of over two years work and more than 1500 pages produced by the BRAID project team.

Renewing Health Project video

13 June 2012

The traditional delivery models of European healthcare and welfare must be fundamentally changed to better fit to the long-term needs of persons with chronic conditions. RENEWING HEALTH is a European project aiming at implementing large-scale real-life test beds for the validation and evaluation of innovative telemedicine services by means of a patient-centred approach and a common rigorous assessment methodology. It involves 9 of the most advanced regions in the implementation of health-related ICT services, inside a local system where service solutions are already operational for the tele-monitoring and the treatment of chronic patients suffering from diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary or cardiovascular diseases.

See also: eHealth at the European Commission

Category winner of the 2012 e-inclusion awards: Siemon Dekelver/WAI-NOT initiative (Belgium)

27 June 2012

Although Siemon cannot read or write he can now go online thanks to the WAI-NOT project. WAI-NOT has built an accessible website with content that can be used in special education schools and help mentally challenged young people to improve their quality of life through ICT. Siemon has learned to write emails, using pictograms. He can now read the newspaper because it is audio supported and translated into pictograms. He learns about educational topics, which are available through an accessible website. Lately, Siemon has learned to travel more independently thanks to an ICT tool developed by K-point (the ICT and inclusion research centre at KH Kempen University College). Siemon was, until recently, completely dependent on others to travel. After a training period with the mobile technology app, Siemon can now take public transport to travel home, and he cycles independently to visit friends living in his village. He is fully aware that he is monitored by the system and he enjoys the fact that he can now travel on his own. Siemon got to know all the bus drivers on his route. They became part of his social network. And the bus drivers learned that Siemon, having Down's syndrome, can take a bus. He just needs some support to indicate when he arrives at his stop.

See also: KH Kempen's entry in the Awards

Category winner of the 2012 e-inclusion awards: Library Development Program – Information Society Development Foundation, Poland

28 June 2012

The primary objective of Library Development Programme (2009 – 2014) of the Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) is to provide equal opportunities for the underserved population living in rural areas. This has been achieved by revitalizing local libraries and providing them with multimedia equipment and internet access. Training has also been offered in order to improve staff capacity. The initiative covers more than 3,300 libraries servicing 10.6 million inhabitants. It has provided internet access to c. 750,000 people, half of which have made their first click on the internet in libraries. The libraries participating in the program assist more than 50,000 people annually, offering group classes and individual consultations on the hardware and internet usage.

See also: Library Development Program 's entry

Category winner 2012 e-inclusion awards: Cibernàrium – Barcelona Activa:ICT skills for employability and competitiveness

27 June 2012

Barcelona Activa is the local development agency for the Barcelona area and actively promotes ICT skills, training and environments for digital inclusion, employability and competitiveness. Cibernàrium offers free digital training for internet beginners at two Cibernàrium centres and 11 satellite centres located in public libraries. Cibernàrium provides a wide range of practical internet-related training activities that helped 75,219 participants in 2011 to develop their IT skills, promoting their e-inclusion and employability. The digital literacy programming of Cibernàrium includes 45 training activities characterized by their short length (between 1 and 2 hours), practical and innovative contents and flexible timetables. The Cibernàrium programme has now moved beyond digital literacy and has opened a second centre specialising in providing advanced and theme & sector-oriented IT training for professionals and companies to improve their competitiveness.

See also: More on Cibernàrium

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