miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Computer Engineer en CSIC-UPC a través de OPAL...

#forums.Forum#: Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2013-02-20 14:19:46.788465+01

Computer Engineer en CSIC-UPC a través de OPAL

Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI), CSIC-UPC is seeking to recruit a Computer Engineer for the Perception and Manipulation Laboratory for IT department based in Barcelona


Computer Engineer for the Perception and Manipulation Laboratory of the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC
To design and implement software for performing experiments with robot arms and sensors. To conduct current software maintenance. To develop documentation and user guides.



  • Computer Engineer (3-year or 5-year Engineer)


  • C/C++ experience required.
  • Linux systems experience required.
  • Software management systems (svn, git,...) experience will be positively appreciated.
  • Robots and/or sensors programming experience will be positively appreciated.


  • English will be positively appreciated

Contact information

Please, send your documentation before 28/02/2013 to treball@iri.upc.edu.

Please, remember to reference the offer (OPAL UNIVERSIDAD VALENCIA ID-18) and include the following documentation: (1) CV, (2) Location for downloading some code examples made by the candidat.

Its also necessary to register on the web: http://www.fguv.org/GestionOpal/AreaEmpleo/AreaUsuarios/BolsaTrabajo/Muestra.asp?IdOferta=3771


¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage

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