Weekly Issue - 3 May 2013 Latest News - PRESS RELEASE
- EUR 150 million for brain research launches EU 'Month of the Brain'
(30 April 2013) At the start of its 'European Month of the Brain' initiative, the European Commission has earmarked some EUR 150 million of funding for 20 new international brain research projects. It will bring the total EU investment in brain research since 2007 to over EUR 1.9 billion. The 'European Month of the Brain' (#brainmonth) will highlight European research and innovation in the area of neuroscience, cognition and related areas through over 50 events across Europe this May. The initiative aims to showcase the latest achievements in the field, but also to urge a more decisive effort to combat brain diseases. It also aims at highlighting how studying the brain can revolutionise computing. The initiative comes as the profile of brain research has been raised recently with ambitious new projects in the EU (FET Flagship Human Brain Project) and the US (BRAIN project). See also: Questions and answers on 'European Month of the Brain' - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- 12th European AAATE Conference
19 September 2013 - 22 September 2013 Vilamoura, Portugal This event is organised by the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe(AAATE). One of the main objectives of the AAATE2013 Conference is to bring together researchers, professionals, manufacturers, end users and their families, and combine their knowledge, expertise, needs and expectations. This will be achieved not only by the presentation of papers during the two and a half days of the conference, but also through the participation in "Instructional Courses" and in a "Research Symposium" held immediately after the main Conference. - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- 1st OpenChina-ICT Thematic Workshop on Smart and Sustainable Cities
31 May 2013 Guangzhou, China This event will bring together policy and main research stakeholders from Europe and China specialized on the ICT aspects of Smart and Sustainable Cities to create feasible research collaboration with the emergence of concrete projects. The workshop on Smart and Sustainable Cities is organised by the OpenChina-ICT project under the aegis of the European Commission through its FP7 research-funding programme, aiming at facilitating ICT related research cooperation between Europe and China. - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- Digital Enlightenment Forum 2013
18 September 2013 - 20 September 2013 Brussels, Belgium The main theme of this edition is "Personal data and citizenship in the digital society". The event includes a "Digital Futures Workshop" on the theme "The future of personal data and citizenship", co-hosted by the Digital Enlightenment Forum and the Digital Futures Task Force of European Commission's DG CONNECT. - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- Open Innovation 2.0: : Sustainable Economy & Society - Stability. Jobs. Prosperity
20 May 2013 - 21 May 2013 Dublin, Ireland Open Innovation 2.0 (OI2) is a new paradigm which is about sustainable prosperity and value creation, and well-being. OI2 involves deep networking and collaboration amongst all actors in society to co-create value, to enhance and accelerate progress. Therefore, new methodologies, mechanisms, mind-sets, metrics like design thinking and prototyping are required. With the intention of bringing together thought leaders, senior decision makers, policy leaders, leading executives and social innovators, the European Commission, Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group, Intel Labs Europe, Dublin City Council, Trinity College Dublin co-organise the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference on 20th and 21st May 2013 in Dublin. Speakers and participants of the Conference are expected to develop together a manifesto, platform and roadmap for sustainable economy and society development. See also: Registration - NEWS ARTICLE
- Apply for ICT2013 Networking Sessions
(27 March 2013) The ICT2013 event is a unique opportunity for networking. You have a specific topic to propose and discuss? Bid for a dedicated networking slot at the ICT2013 event - you will be visible before, at and after the event! New in the Library - SPEECH
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
- Photonics for Europe
Photonics21 Annual Meeting 2013, Brussels Subscription Information |
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