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Bolsas de empleo:
Institución:Universidad de Bath, UK
Contacto correo-e:pi204@bath.ac.uk
PhD Studentship - Visuo-tactile modelling of soft tissues for medical-surgical applications
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Robotics Lab is looking for an excellent candidate for an industrially funded PhD studentship. This studentship is funded by a medical sponsor.
The research project is to produce a non-realtime system that generates meshless Lagrangian (smoothed particle) multiphysics models combining vision and haptic sensor data (sensor fusion).
The specific application will be to build bio-mechanical models from binocular video and force sensor data, captured while an anatomist performs a dissection. The models generated will be used in the study of orthopedic disease mechanisms, surgical simulation, and surgical robotics.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Research Fields:
Engineering - Mechanical engineering
Computer science - 3 D modelling
Medical sciences - Veterinary medicine
Studentship covers tuition fees (for EU applicants only) and a living cost stipend of about £14K/year. The duration of the studentship is 3 years.
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