Latest News
- Active and healthy ageing: concrete action plans for a better life for older Europeans
(6 November 2012) The first Conference of Partners of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing took place in Brussels on 6 November. The Conference was headlined by European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes, Commissioner Maire Geoghegan Quinn, Kathleen Lynch, the Irish Minister of State from the Department of Health and Department of Justice, and the Spanish Secretary General of Health and Consumers, Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, María Pilar Farjas Abadía.
- Managing an Aged Society: The future strategy of the AAL Joint Programme
(17 October 2012) The Ambient Assisted Living Association (AALA) held an event at the European Parliament, hosted by Mr Heinz Becker MEP and Mr Lambert van Nistelrooji MEP to present the outcomes of the AAL Joint Programme following five years of stimulating innovation in the field of ICT for ageing (resulting in SMEs and other organisations building new supply chains and collaborations) and to illustrate the advantages of a follow-up Joint Programme across Europe for the period 2014-2020. The event was the opportunity for a diversified audience to understand the substantial progress of projects funded under the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, which are now showing real results. The conference had two main outcomes: firstly, the robust commitment of both Members of the European Parliament, who strongly endorsed the follow-up of the AAL Joint Programme in the period between 2014 and 2020 and secondly the interactive demonstrations of the AAL JP projects, which clearly presented the services and devices developed to help older adults living more independently and healthily.
- Challenges for human-centered assistive neuro-robotic devices: the experience of the MUNDUS project
13 November 2012 Toledo, Spain
A workshop entitled 'Challenges for human centered assistive neuro-robotic devices: the experience of the MUNDUS project' will take place on 13 November 2012 in Toledo, Spain. The 'Multimodal Neuroprosthesis for Daily Upper Limb Support' (MUNDUS) project is an assistive framework for recovering direct interaction capability of severely motor impaired people based on arm reaching and hand function. Most of the solutions provided by Assistive Technology for supporting independent life of severely impaired people completely substitute the natural interaction with world, reducing their acceptance. Human dignity and self-esteem are more preserved when restoring missing functions with devices safeguarding self perception and first hand interaction while guaranteeing independent living. MUNDUS uses any residual control of the end-user, thus it is suitable for long term utilization in daily activities. Sensors, actuators and control solutions adapt to the level of severity or progression of the disease allowing the disabled person to interact voluntarily with naturality and at maximum information rate. MUNDUS targets are the neurodegenerative and genetic neuromuscular diseases and high level Spinal Cord Injury. MUNDUS is a small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) funded by the 7th Framework Program for Research.
New in the Library
- Report of the workshop "European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: The Opportunity for Regions", 9 October 2012
30 October 2012
This workshop, held in the context of the 10th European Week of Regions and Cities (Open Days), addressed how innovation can contribute in resolving the long-term challenge of an ageing population in the EU through showcasing regional examples of smart specialisation innovation strategies using funds from the cohesion programmes. This gathering of stakeholders served as a sounding board to engage regions and municipalities in the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing (EIP).
- Report of the session on ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing - ICT Competitiveness Week
25 October 2012
This report summarises the discussions that took place as part of DG CONNECT's (Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology) ICT for Competitiveness Week in relation to Active and Health Ageing. The overarching objective of the week was to bridge the gap between research and innovation to enhance European competitiveness. The workshop took place on 19th September 2012 and was attended by more than 30 invited participants.
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, Active Ageing: Delivering Results for Europe
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing – First Conference of Partners, Brussels
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