sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (31/07/2010)



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polse ací.

Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública

Educadors d'educació infantil (convocatòria 31/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (OPOSICIÓ) [Adjudicació de destins i data de cessament/presa de possessió. Termini de recurs] / [Nomenament]

Facultatius (especialdad Farmàcia Hospitalària) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (CONCURS DE TRASLLATS) Llista provisional. Termini d'al·legacions

Facultatius (especialdad Neurologia) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (CONCURS DE TRASLLATS) Llista provisional. Termini d'al·legacions

Facultatius (especialdad Obstetrícia i Ginecologia) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (CONCURS DE TRASLLATS) Llista provisional. Termini d'al·legacions

Grup E, Sector Administració General (Discapacitats Intel·lectuals) Convocatòria 47/08. (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (OPOSICIÓ) [Puntuació final (fases d'oposició i concurs). Pendent de publicació en DOCV. Termini de recurs]

Metges (especialitat: Obstetrícia-ginecologia) (OPE 2007) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) [Llista provisional d'aprovats (fase d'oposició: 1a prova). Termini de recurs]

Metges (especialitat: bioquímica clínica) (OPE 2007) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) [Llista provisional d'aprovats (fase d'oposició: 1a prova). Termini de recurs]

Metges Centre de Planificació Familiar (Conselleria de Sanitat) (CONCURS DE TRASLLATS) Llista provisional. Termini d'al·legacions

Intendents Principals de la Policia Local (La Vila Joiosa/Villajoyosa) (OPOSICIÓ) [Obertura de termini]

Coordinadors de ludoteca. (Orpesa/Oropesa del Mar) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases]

Enginyers superiors de telecomunicacions. (Burriana) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases]

Inspectors del Cos de Policia Local. (Benicàssim/Benicasim) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases específiques]

Novetats Generals de Tràmits i Servicis

Sol·licitud d'ajudes del Pla Renove d'electrodomèstics (consumidors) (AVEN). Obri termini


Si no vol rebre més comunicacions d'este tipus, polse ací
Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Information Society Newsroom Update Weekly - 30/07/2010

Weekly Issue - 30 July 2010

Latest News

Public consultation : Deployment of in-vehicle Emergency call - eCALL - in Europe

(29 July 2010)In case of a severe crash, an eCall-equipped vehicle will automatically call 112, the EU's single emergency number. Even if no passenger is able to speak, e.g. due to injuries, a minimum set of data with information about the accident is sent automatically. The minimum set of data includes the exact geographic location of the crash site. eCall can also be activated manually. eCall has the potential to reduce the time that emergency services will need to arrive at the accident scene. This will contribute to reducing the number of people killed in road accidents, as well as the severity of injuries. The European Commission is carrying out an impact assessment of the eCall deployment. The assessment considers various policy options (no intervention, voluntary approach or mandatory implementation of eCall) to implement the eCall system in Europe. The main objective of this public consultation is to collect the opinions of stakeholders and EU citizens on the issue and therefore ensure the transparency of the decision making process. Closing date : 19/09/2010

Study SMART 2010/0038: Broadband Internet Access Cost

(Deadline: 19/09/2010) This study is intended to provide price data on broadband Internet access costs. Its aim is to provide a comparison between and within member states and third countries and to monitor the development of prices. It covers the 27 Member States of the EU plus a number of third countries. Its results will be used for the benchmarking exercise of the Digital Agenda.

Contact: carlos.perez-maestro@ec.europa.eu
See also: Contract Notice in the Official Journal of the European Union

The Digital Agenda Summit - Challenges and Opportunities

23 September 2010 Brussels, Belgium

Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner for the Digital Agenda will be opening the Digital Agenda Summit organised jointly by ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association and the Financial Times. This event will bring together the Chief Executive Officers of the leading e-communications providers and ICT equipment manufacturers from Europe and beyond for a high-level dialogue with EU policy makers on the key challenges ahead in order to fully unlock the potential of the ICT sector for the economy and society and meet the targets of the Digital Agenda for Europe.

ePractice workshop on Inclusive eGovernment

13 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium

This workshop aims to encourage the sharing of good practice in the area of Inclusive eGovernment. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: eGovernment policies targeted at groups at risk of exclusion; User segmentation in eGovernment services; Inclusive eGovernment in healthcare; Multichannel delivery services; eGovernment services: the 'value chain' dimension; Design, production, delivery, access and use of inclusive eGovernment services; "Inclusive by design" versus specific assistance - tailored services; Marketing, targeting and promotion of eGovernment services for specific disadvantaged groups.

Study SMART 2010/0030: Statistical methodologies on Internet as a source of data gathering

(Deadline: 13/09/3010) Internet traffic flows (in a broad sense, involving all types of information exchanged through the internet) can provide a source of data on socio-economic phenomena complementary to the data usually collected by interviewing internet user. The traffic generated by the different activities over the internet can be analysed and processed to obtain statistics on the use of internet. The general objective of this study is the proposal of a methodological framework for new indicators and of a roadmap for implementing at a large scale the promising applications of the concept of internet as a data source in the domain of monitoring information society developments.

Contact: stefano.abruzzini@ec.europa.eu

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Forum - Active Ageing: Smart Solutions, New Markets

15 September 2010 - 17 September 2010 Odense, Denmark

The AAL Forum is the yearly conference of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, which aims to invest around EUR 700 million in products and services between now and 2013. It provides a platform for all stakeholders - investors, researchers, policy makers, industry providers and end-users - to discuss smart solutions for improved quality of life in later years. Ambient Assisted Living Technology is a relatively new and vibrant field of investment, research and development. Policy makers are already exploring options and planning on future technology investments in this area. Several regional and national initiatives are emerging around Europe to support public and private investment. In support of this, the 2010 AAL Forum will now launch and host the first ever European 'AAL Investment Forum'. The objective of the one-day Investment Forum is to improve communication between investors and researchers and introduce investors to projects which require immediate and/or long term funding. World leading entrepreneur, inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil will be one of the keynote speakers at this event.

ePractice workshop on Digital Literacy

12 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium

This workshop aims to encourage good practice sharing in the area of Digital competences of intermediaries and social actors working in the field of economic, social and/or digital inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion such as the elderly, disabled, migrants, youth, unemployed and low educated people.


Study on implications from future ICT trends on assistive technology and accessibility (SMART 2010/0077)

(Deadline: 25/08/2010) The subject of the contract is a study that will analyse and explore the relationships between the emerging ICT landscape and the development and provision of assistive technologies and e-accessibility, within a perspective of 10 years.

Contact: infso-h3@ec.europa.eu
See also: FAQ

Benchlearning study on the economic and social impact of e-inclusion policies (SMART 2010/0078)

(Deadline: 25/08/2010) The objective of the e-inclusion benchlearning study is to review and analyse practices in relation to public policy actions, undertaken by public administrations, agencies or other actors making use of ICT to support and empower vulnerable socio-demographic groups.

Contact: infso-h3@ec.europa.eu
See also: FAQ

W3C Web on TV Workshop: Use cases and requirements for smarter integration of Web technologies, broadcasting and non-PC devices

2 September 2010 - 3 September 2010 Tokyo, Japan

The IT industry is building the future Web platform at W3C. HTML5, CSS, SVG, and other open global standards for Web technology are starting to be deployed in browsers, and the Web community is enthusiastic about a host of new features such as location-based services. W3C has begun to organize a series of workshops to bring the television industry and other producers of consumer electronics into the discussion. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own perspectives, requirements, and ideas to ensure that emerging global standards meet their needs. The first workshop in the series takes place in Japan and emphasizes participation (in multiple languages) by companies from Japan, Korea, China, and other countries in Asia (though anybody may attend). The second workshop, in Europe, is likely to take place during the first quarter of 2011.

Contact: Contact Philipp Hoschka for early involvement in the workshop in Europe

VPH 2010

30 September 2010 - 1 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission launched the Virtual Physiological (VPH) initiative to research and develop patient-specific computer models for personalised and predictive healthcare and ICT-based tools for modelling and simulation of human physiology and disease-related processes. This is the first of a series of conferences to be held by the VPH Network of Excellence (VPH NoE). The VPH NoE is an umbrella project, representing the Virtual Physiological Human Initiative set up by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The VPH NoE is also responsible for producing a 'VPH Vision and Strategy Document' in preparation of the next calls under FP7, FP8 and for European large infrastructural actions.

Contact: vph2010@ercim.eu

2nd Mediterranean Photonics Conference

29 November 2010 - 2 December 2010 Eilat, Israel

The 2nd Mediterranean Photonics Conference, organised by the association of engineers and architects in Israel, takes place from 29 November to 2 December. The Call for papers includes topics such as Nano-photonics devices, telecoms, fiber optics, optical switching, etc. The deadline for a summary is 10 September 2010.

New in the Library

How do satellite communications help tackle grand societal challenges?

30 April 2010

The Integral SatCom Initiative European Technology Platform (ISI) released an innovative paper to identify the research topics in satellite communications that could help in addressing grand societal challenges. It is the first one produced by a Technology Platform on interdisciplinary cooperation for societal challenges. The key words to remember: smarter systems for culture and knowledge management, healthcare, transport, mobility, environmental information, energy grids and broadband for all.

ICT 2010

ICT 2010 Banner

Subscription Information

This is the Newsroom Update of Europe's Information Society: Thematic Portal - a 'one stop shop' to all European Information Society policies, activities, news and more from across the European Commission.

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An archive of all Newsroom Updates is available.

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(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).
Becas, ayudas y subvenciones
Se agradece la colaboración del:
Centro de Información Administrativa de Presidencia del Gobierno
RedIRIS ofrece de forma gratuita la creación Listas de distribución
de interés academico y científico http://www.rediris.es/list/crealist.html

Contacto correo-e:alberto.sola@unileon.es
Oferta de Tesis Doctoral en el área de Microbiología y Biología Molecular en el Instituto de Biotecnología de León (INBIOTEC).
Tema: Obtención de cepas superproductoras de hidrógeno mediante ingeniería genética.

Licenciado en Biología, Bioquímica, Biotecnología, Veterinaria o similar, siendo imprescindible el haber cursado asignaturas de Microbiología y Biología Molecular.
Nota media del expediente igual o superior a 2,5.
Se valorará: estudios de máster, conocimientos de inglés e informática.

Interesados enviar CV a la atención de Dr. Alberto Sola
e-mail: alberto.sola@unileon.es
Tfno: 987 210308

Información complementaria de la oferta:

Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

e-Inclusion Newsletter - 30/07/2010

30 July 2010

Latest News

Pitch your idea – discover investment opportunities at the Ambient Assisted Living Investment Forum. Deadline for submitting applications is 2 August 2010

(5 July 2010)The Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Investment Forum aims to stimulate more innovation and investment in AAL by bringing together innovative ICT enterprises in the Ageing Well market with potential public and private investors. A key activity will be a matchmaking session where innovators can pitch their smart solutions to potential investors. The AAL Investment Forum is not just the place to raise capital, it is also an excellent place to 'reality check' a business case. Investors know what works and what doesn't. You can bounce ideas off of them, and identify the trends, risks and successful strategies in the AAL market. The Forum takes place on 14-15 September 2010 at the Odense Congress Centre.

€6.4 billion for smart growth and jobs – Europe's biggest ever investment in research and innovation

(19 July 2010)Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn announces today nearly € 6.4 billion of European Commission investment in research and innovation. The package, the biggest ever, will advance scientific boundaries, increase European competitiveness and help solve societal challenges such as climate change, energy and food security, health and an ageing population. Around 16,000 participants from research organisations, universities and industry, including about 3,000 SMEs, will receive funding. The package is an economic stimulus expected to create more than 165.000 jobs. Grants will be awarded through "calls for proposals" (invitations to bid). Many calls will be formally published on 20th July. There is a €1.2 billion boost to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) research, which will help deliver the Commission's commitment in the Digital Agenda for Europe to maintain the pace of yearly increases in ICT funding.

Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn's opening remarks

See also: Frequently Asked Questions

€90 million available for research in future internet to make Europe's systems smart and efficient

(20 July 2010)The EU is investing in the future of the Internet to ensure it will be able to support increasing demands from citizens, businesses and governments. The European Commission today made available €90 million under the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership.

See also: More on future Internet

World leading entrepreneur, inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil comes to Ambient Assisted Living Forum as a Keynote Speaker

(23 July 2010)Ray Kurzweil, one of the leading inventors of our time and described as "the restless genius" by the Wall Street Journal, will be attending the Ambient Assisted Living Forum as a keynote speaker from 15 - 17 September in Odense, Denmark. The Ambient Assisted Living Forum (AAL FORUM) is the yearly conference of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme, which aims to invest around €700 million in products and services between now and 2013.

ePractice workshop on Digital Literacy

12 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium

This workshop aims to encourage good practice sharing in the area of Digital competences of intermediaries and social actors working in the field of economic, social and/or digital inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion such as the elderly, disabled, migrants, youth, unemployed and low educated people.

ePractice workshop on Inclusive eGovernment

13 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium

This workshop aims to encourage the sharing of good practice in the area of Inclusive eGovernment. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: eGovernment policies targeted at groups at risk of exclusion; User segmentation in eGovernment services; Inclusive eGovernment in healthcare; Multichannel delivery services; eGovernment services: the 'value chain' dimension; Design, production, delivery, access and use of inclusive eGovernment services; "Inclusive by design" versus specific assistance - tailored services; Marketing, targeting and promotion of eGovernment services for specific disadvantaged groups.

Study on implications from future ICT trends on assistive technology and accessibility (SMART 2010/0077)

(Deadline: 25/08/2010) The subject of the contract is a study that will analyse and explore the relationships between the emerging ICT landscape and the development and provision of assistive technologies and e-accessibility, within a perspective of 10 years.

Contact: infso-h3@ec.europa.eu
See also: FAQ

Benchlearning study on the economic and social impact of e-inclusion policies (SMART 2010/0078)

(Deadline: 25/08/2010) The objective of the e-inclusion benchlearning study is to review and analyse practices in relation to public policy actions, undertaken by public administrations, agencies or other actors making use of ICT to support and empower vulnerable socio-demographic groups.

Contact: infso-h3@ec.europa.eu
See also: FAQ

Study SMART 2010/0038: Broadband Internet Access Cost

(Deadline: 19/09/2010) This study is intended to provide price data on broadband Internet access costs. Its aim is to provide a comparison between and within member states and third countries and to monitor the development of prices. It covers the 27 Member States of the EU plus a number of third countries. Its results will be used for the benchmarking exercise of the Digital Agenda.

Contact: carlos.perez-maestro@ec.europa.eu
See also: Contract Notice in the Official Journal of the European Union

New in the Library

How do satellite communications help tackle grand societal challenges?

30 April 2010

The Integral SatCom Initiative European Technology Platform (ISI) released an innovative paper to identify the research topics in satellite communications that could help in addressing grand societal challenges. It is the first one produced by a Technology Platform on interdisciplinary cooperation for societal challenges. The key words to remember: smarter systems for culture and knowledge management, healthcare, transport, mobility, environmental information, energy grids and broadband for all.

See also: European Technology Platforms (ETPs) newsletter

Subscription Information

Information Society and Media Directorate-General

This is the newsletter of the e-Inclusion web site on Europa . It is hosted by the Information Society Newsroom - a 'one stop shop' on European Information Society news spanning all Directorates-General of the European Commission.

You may unsubscribe or broaden your subscription from this newsletter by going to Your Profile.

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Investigador Postdoctoral

(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).
Becas, ayudas y subvenciones
Se agradece la colaboración del:
Centro de Información Administrativa de Presidencia del Gobierno
RedIRIS ofrece de forma gratuita la creación Listas de distribución
de interés academico y científico http://www.rediris.es/list/crealist.html

Institución:Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante
Contacto correo-e:g.lbendito@umh.es
Se oferta contrato Postdoctoral por 6 meses, renovables, en el Laboratorio de Mecanismos Celulares y Moleculares de las Conexiones Cerebrales en el Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante. El Proyecto a realizar pretende estudiar los mecanismos por los que los axones talamocorticales compiten lor areas de la corteza cerebral y se adaptan a procesos de perdida sensorial.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Se requiere investigadores con experiencia en el campo de la Plasticidad de conexiones y Neurobiologia del Desarrollo.

Fecha limite: 1 Octubre 2010

Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (30/07/2010)



Si no rep correctament este missatge,
polse ací.

Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública

Metges (especialitat: farmàcia hospitalària) (OPE 2007) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) [Llista provisional d'aprovats (fase d'oposició: 1a prova). Termini de recurs]

Metges (especialitat: microbiologia i parasitologia) (OPE 2007). (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) [Llista definitiva d'aprovats (fase d'oposició: 1a prova) i data de 2a prova]

Metges (especialitat: neurofisiologia clínica) (OPE 2007) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) [Llista provisional d'aprovats (fase d'oposició: 2a prova). Termini de recurs]

- Intèrprets per a llengua búlgara (BG) - Intèrprets de llengua anglesa (EN) - Intèrprets de llengua neerlandesa (NL) - Intèrprets per a llengua romanesa (RO) - Intèrprets per a llengua eslovena (SL) (Oficina Europea de Selecció de Personal (EPSO)) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases i obertura de termini]


Si no vol rebre més comunicacions d'este tipus, polse ací
Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (29/07/2010)



Si no rep correctament este missatge,
polse ací.

Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública

Arquitectes (convocatòria 41/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (OPOSICIÓ) Consulta per internet de notes amb DNI / [Llista definitiva d'aprovats (fase d'oposició: 1a prova) i data de 2a prova]

Convocatòria 072/10, grup B, sector administració especial, assistent social/DU Treball Social. (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) ( CONCURS GENERAL DE MÈRITS) Eliminació de places

Educadors d'educació especial (convocatòria 29/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (OPOSICIÓ) [Adjudicació de destins i data de cessament/presa de possessió. Termini de recurs] / [Nomenament]

Educadors d'educació especial (convocatòria 30/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (PROMOCIÓ INTERNA) [Adjudicació de destins i data de cessament/presa de possessió. Termini de recurs] / [Nomenament]

Grup A, Tècnics superiors d'administració general (Convocatòria 3/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (OPOSICIÓ) [Puntuació final (fases d'oposició i concurs). Pendent de publicació en DOCV. Termini de recurs]

Grup A, Tècnics superiors d'administració general (Convocatòria 4/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (PROMOCIÓ INTERNA) [Puntuació final (fases d'oposició i concurs). Pendent de publicació en DOCV. Termini de recurs]

Coordinadors de les Cures d'Infermeria d'Unitat de Gestió Clínica Alora. (Junta de Andalusia: Conselleria de Salut) ( CONCURS GENERAL DE MÈRITS) [Bases i obertura de termini]

Novetats Generals de Tràmits i Servicis

Avís de Nou Tema per a SMS Nou

Convocatòria dels XXIX Jocs Esportius de la Comunitat Valenciana. Obri termini

Sol·licitud per a la pesca de l'angula en la temporada 2010/2011. Obri termini


Si no vol rebre més comunicacions d'este tipus, polse ací
Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Contrato por 1 a=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C3=B1o_?=y posibilidad de pedir una beca

(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).
Becas, ayudas y subvenciones
Se agradece la colaboración del:
Centro de Información Administrativa de Presidencia del Gobierno
RedIRIS ofrece de forma gratuita la creación Listas de distribución
de interés academico y científico http://www.rediris.es/list/crealist.html

Institución:Universidad de Barcelona
Contacto correo-e:salcantara@ub.edu
Se ofrece un contrato laboral por 1 año con posibilidad de pedir una beca predoctoral para realizar una Tesis Doctoral en desarrollo y regeneración de la corteza cerebral en el grupo de investigación "Desarrollo Neural", Universidad de Barcelona (Facultad de Medicina, Campus de Bellvitge)

Líneas de investigación:

1- Estudio de genes regulados por el factor de crecimiento neurotrófico (BDNF), sus funciones durante el desarrollo normal en un modelo de ratón y sus posibles implicaciones en la patofisiología de enfermedades humanas del neurodesarrollo como son el autismo o las encefalopatías epilépticas tempranas.

2- Desarrollo y caracterización de biomateriales con capacidad para promover la regeneración del sistema nervioso central (en colaboración con el Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña, IBEC).

Técnicas que utilizamos en el laboratorio:

- Histoquímica, Inmunocitoquímica e hibridación in situ
- Análisis de imagen en 3D y video time lapse análisis
- Técnicas bioquímicas y de biología molecular, Western blot, RT-PCR y real time PCR
- Cultivos primarios y de líneas celulares
- Técnicas quirúrgicas, inyección y electroporación en útero
- Análisis de la actividad espontánea en cultivos mediante la tecnología E2dish

Requisitos de los/-as candidatos/-as:

Licenciado/-a en Biología, Bioquímica, Farmacia, Química, Medicina o afines.
Haber finalizado la licenciatura con fecha posterior a enero de 2008.
Se valorará el expediente académico, haber realizado o estar matriculado en un master o doctorado en Neurociencias, Biomedicina o Bioingeniería, tener experiencia en técnicas de laboratorio e informática, cultivos celulares y conocimientos de inglés.
Indispensable disposición a trabajar con modelos animales in vivo.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Interesados/as enviar CV a: Dra. Soledad Alcántara
Unidad de Biología Celular, Departamento de Patología y Terapéutica Experimental Facultad de Medicina (Campus de Bellvitge), Feixa Llarga s/n, 08907 Barcelona
Tel/FAX: 934024288
Email: salcantara@ub.edu

Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (28/07/2010)



Si no rep correctament este missatge,
polse ací.

Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública

Fisioterapeutes (convocatòria 24/08) (Conselleria de Justícia i Administracions Públiques) (OPOSICIÓ) Llista provisional. Termini d'al·legacions

Mestres especialistes en Educació Infantil. (Redován) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases i obertura de termini]

Professors Escola d'Adults. (La Nucia) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases i obertura de termini]

Professors de Música en l'especialitat de violí. (Sant Vicent del Raspeig/San Vicente del Raspeig) (OPOSICIÓ) [Obertura de termini]

Tècnics Superiors en Educació Infantil (Redován) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases i obertura de termini]

Arquitectes superiors (OOP 2008). (Albal) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases]

Tècnics mitjans d'administració, especialitat jurídica-urbanística (OOP 2010) (Albal) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases]

Caps de Màquines. Barco "Juan de la Cosa" (Port Base a Santander). (Ministeri de Treball i Immigració) (OPOSICIÓ) [Correcció d'errors (nou termini)]

Primers Oficials de Màquines. Barco "Juan de la Cosa" (Port Base a Santander). (Ministeri de Treball i Immigració) (OPOSICIÓ) [Correcció d'errors (nou termini)]

Segons Oficials de Màquines. Barco "Esperanza del Mar" (Port Base en Les Palmes de Gran Canària). (Ministeri de Treball i Immigració) (OPOSICIÓ) [Correcció d'errors (nou termini)]

Segons Oficials de Màquines. Barco "Juan de la Cosa" (Port Base a Santander). (Ministeri de Treball i Immigració) (OPOSICIÓ) [Correcció d'errors (nou termini)]


Si no vol rebre més comunicacions d'este tipus, polse ací
Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana