sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (29/12/2012)


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Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública
Tècnics especialistes de laboratori (Conselleria de Sanitat) (CONCURS DE TRASLLATS)    [Correcció d'errors (bases)] 
Enginyers tècnics industrials (Castalla) (OPOSICIÓ)    [Bases] 

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Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

Unión Europea Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Una manera de hacer Europa.

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

APC News: Holiday Sale

APC News: Holiday Sale
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APC a                                    bicycle for your mind
APC Holiday Season Special Offer

Two APC's with free international shipping included for US$98, from December 27th to January 2nd

Taipei, Taiwan, 27th December, 2012 – We are pleased to announce that for the holiday season we are offering free shipping anywhere in the world when you purchase two APC units for US$98 direct from the apc.io website. This offer will run from December 27th until January 2nd.
APC combines an optimized version of Android with a rich hardware package to deliver the best of the internet to users. With the inclusion of hardware acceleration for the most demanding video formats, the APC delivers stunning HD quality multimedia; either streamed from sites such as YouTube or stored locally and delivers a great gaming experience on a large screen monitor or TV.
APC Key Features:
·         Optimized Android OS
·         HD TV support
·         Hardware acceleration of the most demanding video formats
·         VGA and HMDI display ports
·         Four USB 2.0 ports
·         One microSD slot
·         One 10/100 Ethernet port
·         Audio-out/ Mic-in
·         VIA WonderMedia ARM 11 SoC
·         2GB NAND Flash
·         512 DDR3 SDRAM
·         15W power adaptor (US adaptor only)
Information Links
For more information about APC please visit: apc.io
To order two APC units for $98 with free international shipping, please visit apc.io.
About APC
APC was born from our love of computers and our realization that the PC needs a fundamental redesign. The redesign that we offer is a computer that is more accessible, and more valuable, because you're not paying for functions that you don't need and won't be using. With its small form factor, low power consumption, and customized version of the world's most popular smart phone operating system, we've designed APC to be a bicycle for your mind, enabling ever more people to access to the Internet and opening up exciting opportunities for innovation on the platform. apc.io
Copyright © 2012 APC, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website.

Our mailing address is:

529 Zhong Zheng Rd.
Hsin-Tien City 231

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (28/12/2012)


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Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública
Cuidadors/cuidadores de la ludoteca municipal. (Vilafamés) (BORSA DE TREBALL)    [Bases i obertura de termini] 
Conductors oficials 1a (discapacitats físics). (Govern d'Aragó: Departament d'Hisenda i Administració Pública ) (OPOSICIÓ)    [Bases i obertura de termini] 
Telefonistes recepcionistes (discapacitats físics o sensorials). (Govern d'Aragó: Departament d'Hisenda i Administració Pública ) (OPOSICIÓ)    [Bases i obertura de termini] 

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Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

Unión Europea Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Una manera de hacer Europa.