sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Oferta de trabajo

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Institución:Universidad de Ostrava
Contacto correo-e:jana.vesela@osu.cz
Oferta de trabajo en la universidad de Ostrava, República Checa. Enseñanza de literatura española y lengua en el departamento de lenguas románicas de la facultad de filosofía y letras.

Interesados escriban a la directora de la sección de español del departamento, Jana Vesela, jana.vesela@osu.cz

Fecha límite para el envío de documentación: 15 de agosto.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Detalles (en checo)

Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (30/07/2011)

Administración On-Line Magazin SOM Online Atención al ciudadano
Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals de Tràmits i Servicis

Comunicació/Declaració responsable referent a l'allotjament turístic en albergs de ciutat de la Comunitat Valenciana. Nou


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Gràcies per utilitzar el servici de Subscripcions a Continguts del
Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Information Society Newsroom Update Weekly - 29/07/2011

Weekly Issue - 29 July 2011

Latest News

Commission facilitates deployment of car radar systems to boost road safety

(29 July 2011) Authorisation to use the 24 GHz radio frequency band for short-range anti-collision radar in cars has been extended until 2018 by a European Commission decision. This temporary extension will ensure short range car radar systems remain available on the market until manufacturers develop technology using the 79 GHz band, which was the operating frequency designated for such systems back in 2004. Only 0.05 % of cars in Europe are equipped with such radar systems, which currently all use the 24 GHz band, and are mainly in luxury cars. Manufacturers have encountered difficulties in developing systems using the 79 GHz band, so that technology in the 79 GHz band has not developed as fast as initially predicted by the industry. As a result, 79 GHz-technology is not mature enough for commercial deployment in cars by 2013, when the use of the 24 GHz band by these systems had been due to end.

EUR 7 billion boost for research and innovation will create jobs and growth

(19 July 2011) Today Commissioner Maire Geoghegan-Quinn announced nearly EUR 7 billion to kick-start innovation through research. The European Commission's biggest ever such funding package, under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), is expected to create around 174 000 jobs in the short-term and nearly 450 000 jobs and nearly EUR 80 billion in GDP growth over 15 years1. EU research funding is at the top of the political agenda and has now been placed at the centre of a coherent innovation strategy, the Innovation Union, which Europe needs if it is to compete with large, dynamic countries like the US and China.

Commission starts legal action against 20 Member States on late implementation of telecoms rules

(19 July 2011) The European Commission has sent requests for information to twenty EU Member States which have not yet notified measures to implement in full new EU telecoms rules into national law. The deadline set by the European Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers for implementing the new rules was 25th May 2011. The requests for information take the form of letters of formal notice under EU infringement procedures.

ITU-EC Workshop on Methodologies for Assessing the Environmental Impact of ICT

5 September 2011 Rome, Italy

As part of the ITU Green Standards Week, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the European Commission (EC) are organizing a Workshop on Methodologies for Environmental Impact Assessment of ICT. This workshop will examine work underway to measure the impact of ICTs on climate change and how to standardize the way to calculate the reduction of Greenhouse Gases that ICTs have. Participants should confirm their participation no later than 15 August 2011.

Contact: ICT for Sustainable Growth, European Commission
See also: More information and registration to the event

Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering - Information Day on Call 8 (Objective ICT-2011.1.2)

27 September 2011 Brussels, Belgium

The aim of this meeting is to inform the audience about the scope of this call, the procedure for preparing a proposal and to allow networking among the participants. The following areas are covered by this call : Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering (Objective ICT-2011.1.2). This objective focuses on technologies specific to the networked, distributed dimension of software and access to services and data. It will support long-term research on new principles, methods, tools and techniques enabling software developers in the EU to easily create interoperable services based on open standards, with sufficient flexibility and at a reasonable cost.Registration for the information day is free but mandatory.

FET Proactive Information Day on Call 8

12 October 2011 Brussels, Belgium

During this event, information on FET-Proactive initiatives under this call will be provided, as well as contractual, legal and administrative modalities. In addition, the creation of consortia and synergies will be facilitated through an open exchange "Proposers Forum". Registration is free of charge but mandatory.

Contact: Jean-Marie Auger

New in the Library

An Overview of EU-funded Photonics Research

20 July 2011

This paper presents the EU's research framework programmes and the mission and objectives of the Photonics Unit. It describes the main challenges and R&D priorities which the Photonics unit of the Information Society and Media Directorate General of the European Commission is supporting under the 7th Framework Programme and provides representative examples of EU-funded photonics research projects. Finally, it also presents the way forward for EU photonics research.

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e-Inclusion Newsletter - 29/07/2011

29 July 2011

Latest News

Registration to the 3rd annual AAL Forum now open

(30 May 2011) The third annual conference of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme will take place on 26-28 September 2011 in Lecce, Italy. The objective of the event is twofold: on the one hand the conference aims to show the significant progresses made by the AAL JP projects and its practical implications on the daily life of seniors. On the other hand, considerable attention will be dedicated to the most recent EU initiatives, like the pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. The AAL Forum will bring together industry stakeholders, researchers, entrepreneurs, end-users and policy makers and will provide them with a unique sharing-knowledge platform to discuss the way forward of innovations for active ageing. The Conference will represent an excellent opportunity for companies to present and promote their products and services and to establish or extend contacts. An exhibition area will form an integral part of the AAL Forum and will be located inside the Conference Venue.

See also: Registration to the event

Second CEO Roundtable on broadband investment to sustain internet growth

(13 July 2011) European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes indicated to CEOs at their final Roundtable meeting in Brussels on 13th July that she will take into account messages from all of the participants delivered during the past four months' discussions on boosting investment in high speed broadband networks to meet the Europe 2020 broadband targets.

Innovation Convention 2011 - call for exhibitors

(28 July 2011) On 5-6 December 2011, the European Commission is holding its first Innovation Convention following the adoption of the Innovation Union Flagship initiative in October 2010. This major event will gather more than 1200 participants involved in the innovation chain, including high-level policy makers, leading CEOs, deans of universities and research centres, bankers, venture capitalists, top researchers and innovators. This call for exhibition proposals is open to any organisation involved in a project funded by the EU's Framework programmes for Research (FP) or the EU's Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). The project should have attained a certain level of maturity (for example be in a phase where it can be developed further thanks to patenting, venture capital etc). More importantly, it should be able to demonstrate some results with concrete examples. Deadline for proposals is 31 August.

See also: More on the Innovation Convention 2011

Workshop "Regional governments against the digital divide; DIEGO, a scalable deployment model of inclusive e-government"

29 September 2011 Committee of the Regions, room JDE51, Brussels

The seminar will be focused on the regional and local aspects of the new "Digital Agenda for Europe" and the implementation of the "European eGovernment Plan 2011-2015", mainly in what regards to the challenges and opportunities for Public Administrations to deliver its services to their citizens in a more innovative, inclusive and accessible way. Furthermore, the seminar will also deal with some financial instruments and strategies for e-government solutions, since the need for investment and maintenance of digital platforms requires an economic and technological effort on the part of the Public Administrations. Thus, we will discuss about the possibility to combine the resources of the EU Programs and the Structural Funds, as well as the option to collaborate with SMEs through the PPP strategy in order to guarantee the sustainability of the e-government platforms. This seminar is framed on the 1st International workshop of the European project DIEGO, which will be presented as an effective method to promote inclusion through the use of new technologies in public administrations.

eChallenges e2011 Conference & Exhibition, Florence, 26 - 28 October

26 October 2011 - 28 October 2011 Florence

The eChallenges e-2011 Conference will take place in Florence, Italy on 26-28 October 2011. This is the twenty-first in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission and hosted by national governments, which regularly attracts over 600 delegates from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt, good practice and innovation. The 3-day programme features an invigorating mix of business and government case studies, technical and policy papers and interactive workshops. As well as opening and closing plenary sessions, delegates may participate in over 50 thematically focused parallel session featuring different aspects of Networked Enterprise, eGovernment, Living Labs & Smart Cities, eHealth, Intelligent Content, Technology Enhanced Learning, eInfrastructures and Security and Identity Management. All participants should complete registration prior to the event. Early bird delegate registration is available up to 31 July. The eChallenges e-2011 Exhibition will showcase research results and applications through technology demonstrations, whether funded commercially, or national, regional or European level. Exhibitors can apply online for Demonstration Stands before 31 August.

Innovative policies to support healthy, active and dignified ageing and raise the effectiveness and efficiency of spending on social, health and long-term care services and benefits

(Deadline: 26/09/2011) This call is financed by the PROGRESS programme. It seeks to promote the sustainability and quality of health and long-term care provision for the elderly through healthy and active ageing. The objectives of this call for proposals are to provide financial support to projects aimed at designing better policies for healthy, active and dignified ageing in the countries participating in PROGRESS. Projects may focus on different stages of policy development ranging from the identification of potential benefits of healthy and active ageing for sustainable social protection and social cohesion in ageing societies to the design of new policies, their implementation and evaluation. Particular attention should be paid to specifically vulnerable social groups and to parts of the EU where poor health is most prevalent (as assessed by measures such as healthy life expectancy) and where many people are at risk of not receiving appropriate care for a life in dignity. Deadline for submitting proposals: 26/09/2011

New in the Library

EU ICT R&D and Innovation beyond 2013 - 10 key recommendations

20 July 2011

The Information Society Technologies Advisory Group (ISTAG) has just issued its 10 key recommendation to the Commission on the orientation for EU ICT R&D and Innovation beyond 2013. ISTAG reaffirms the importance of pursuing and strengthening EU investment in ICT research and innovation. Indeed, ICT infrastructure plays a critical role in today's globalised economy and its reliable and trustworthy operation is absolutely essential. However beyond this, ICT has become a key transformative force in social innovation, by enabling the development, implementation and deployment of innovative solutions addressing societal needs and supporting human and socio-economic development opportunities. This wider agenda calls for a larger stakeholder community, beyond the traditional players, including unconventional actors such as informal networks and influential individuals.

Subscription Information

Information Society and Media Directorate-General

This is the newsletter of the e-Inclusion web site on Europa . It is hosted by the Information Society Newsroom - a 'one stop shop' on European Information Society news spanning all Directorates-General of the European Commission.

You may unsubscribe or broaden your subscription from this newsletter by going to Your Profile.

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Beca pre-doctoral - INA (Zaragoza)

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(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Institución:Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón
Contacto correo-e:jmfuente@unizar.es
BECA PRE-DOCTORAL: "Nanopartículas Multifuncionales: Hacia del Desarrollo de Fármacos Inteligentes".

REQUISITOS: Licenciatura en Química o Bioquímica (expediente académico >2.3)

OFERTA: Beca de 1 año, ampliable hasta máximo 4 años. Salario: 1.150 €/mes.

TEMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN: La Tesis Doctoral estará centrada en la síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas multifuncionales para su aplicación de transporte de fármacos.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
El candidato trabajará bajo la supervisión del Dr. J. M. de la Fuente (Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón (INA)).

PLAZO: Enviar CV, copia de expediente académico y una breve descripción de su experiencia en investigación a: Dr. J. M. de la Fuente (jmfuente@unizar.es) antes del 31 de agosto del 2011.

Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (29/07/2011)

Administración On-Line Magazin SOM Online Atención al ciudadano
Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública

Convocatòria 027/11, grup A, un estadístic per a l'Escola Valenciana d'Estudis per a la Salut (EVES). (Conselleria d'Hisenda i Administració Pública) ( CONCURS GENERAL DE MÈRITS) [Adjudicació de destins i data de cessament/presa de possessió. Termini de recurs]

Metges (especialitat: Neurologia) (OPE 2007) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) Relació provisional del concurs-oposició. Termini al·legacions

Tècnics de Gestió Universitària (Universitat de València (UV)) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases i obertura de termini]

Novetats Generals de Tràmits i Servicis

Sol·licitud de beques per a la realització d'estudis de Màster en Ciències Socials i Humanitats en universitats dels Estats Units d'Amèrica per al curs 2012-2013. Nou

Sol·licitud de beques i ajudes a l'estudi de caràcter general i de mobilitat, per al curs acadèmic 2011-2012, per a alumnat que curse estudis postobligatoris i superiors no universitaris (Ministeri d'Educació). Obri termini


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Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana

Servicio de Alertas Web Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Estimado/a Efren,
se ha publicado la siguiente o siguientes convocatorias, que coinciden con los criterios de selección de
alguna de sus alertas creadas:

ALERTA : todo
    Boletín : Boletín Oficial del Estado
    Convocatoria : Resolución de 30 de junio de 2011, del Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, por la que se aprueba la convocatoria para el año 2011 del procedimiento de concesión de subvenciones a la ciencia y tecnología en la línea instrumental de actuación de infraestructuras científico-tecnológicas, del Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, 2008-2011 ( subprograma para adquisición de infraestructura científico-técnica en los centros de I+D+i agroalimentaria dependientes del INIA y de las CCAA)

Si desea ver el detalle de está convocatoria pulse aqui.
Si desea dar de baja está alerta pulse aqui.

Si desea darse de baja del sistema de alertas pulse aqui.
Servicio de Atención a Usuarios web_micinn@fecyt.es

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Butlletí de Novetats de PROP (28/07/2011)

Administración On-Line Magazin SOM Online Atención al ciudadano
Este correu s'envia per a informar-lo de les novetats del Butlletí del Portal de la Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana (http://www.gva.es/).

Novetats Generals d'Ocupació Pública

Metges (especialitat: Cirurgia general i de l'aparell digestiu) (OPO 2007) (Conselleria de Sanitat) (OPOSICIÓ) Llista definitiva del concurs-oposició. Termini de recurs

Publicistes (Presidència) ( COBERTURA INTERINA) [Puntuació de fase de concurs. Termini d'al·legacions]

Cos de Tramitació Processal i Administrativa de l'Administració de Justícia (Orde JUS/1655/2010) (Ministeri de Justícia) (OPOSICIÓ) [Adjudicació de destins i data de cessament/presa de possessió. Termini de recurs]

Facultatius Especialistes d'Àrea de la Xarxa Hospitalària de la Defensa (Ministeri de Sanitat i Política Social i Igualtat) (OPOSICIÓ) [Bases i obertura de termini]


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