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(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Institución:BIFI - Universidad de Zaragoza (www.bifi.es)
Contacto correo-e:acastro@bifi.es
Post-doc wanted to work within the CRONOS project (http://www.cronostheory.eu), here at the BIFI, in collaboration with Alberto Castro (http://www.bifi.es/~acastro). CRONOS is a large European project, sponsored by the EU-FP7, aiming at constructing a quantitative theory for charge and spin-dynamics in real materials, with applications in the areas of solar energy and magnetic recording. The main theoretical tool for the project will be time-dependent density functional theory, in particular in the spirit of real time simulations. The consortium aims at both developing fundamental theoretical aspects and applying such development to real charge and spin dynamics problems.
Duración: dos años y medio aproximadamente. Salario según la escala oficial de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Contacto: Alberto Castro (acastro@bifi.es) +34 876555354.
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