Latest News
- Commission proposes rules to make government websites accessible for all
(3 December 2012) Over 100 million EU citizens would find it easier to use online public services to look for a job, register a car, submit a tax declaration and apply for a passport or driving license thanks to new rules proposed today by the European Commission on the International Day of People with Disability. The Commission's proposal for a Directive on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites would introduce mandatory EU standardised accessibility features, from the end of 2015, for 12 types of websites. Mandatory accessibility would apply to essential government services like social security and health related services, job searches, university applications and issuing of personal documents and certificates. The proposed new rules would also clarify what web accessibility means (technical specs, methodology for assessment, reporting, bottom up testing), and governments would be encouraged to apply the rules across all services, not only the mandatory list.
- Make websites accessible: a proposal and a request - a blog post by Paul Timmers, Director, Sustainable & Secure Society, DG CONNECT
(5 December 2012) December 3 was the International day of people with disabilities. Let's do something that makes a difference. You are public procurers, managers of private websites, web developers ? Update your knowledge on the accessibility business case in our accessibility cost-benefit study. If you need further evidence, we developed a tool to calculate the cost of making your site accessible yourself. It is straightforward and simple. Just fill in the questionnaire and you know what it takes to help get every European Digital.
See also: Business Case tool for web accessibility
New in the Library
- Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites
3 December 2012
The European Commission's proposal for a new Directive aiming at the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States on the accessibility of websites of public sector bodies.
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