miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016


Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico

Contacto correo-e:oficina.iccram@ubu.es
ICCRAM (International Research Center in Critical Raw Materials for Advanced Industrial Technologies) es un nuevo Centro de Excelencia Internacional situado en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Burgos que desarrolla actividades en las siguientes areas: Biofísica, Biotecnología, Tecnología industrial, Ciencia de los materiales, Nanoseguridad, Diseño de materiales, eficiencia en la gestión, eficiencia energética, ecoinnovación y sustitución de materias primas críticas. ICCRAM es un actor principal en organizaciones internacionales como EU-NANOFUTURES o la Asociación Internacional de Industrias de Nanotecnología y participa en proyectos europeos de calado en el marco del programa H2020 como:
- H2020-TWINN-2015-SUPERMAT-GA-692216.
- H2020-NMP-2015-two-stage-NOVAMAG-GA-686056.
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015-NANOGENTOOLS-GA-691095.
- H2020-WASTE-4d-2015-CSAMSP-REFRAM-GA-688993.
- H2020-MSCA-IF-Nano-PieZoelecTrics-GA-707954.
- H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA-ICARUS-GA-713514.
- H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-SOLUTION-GA-721642
- H2020-SC5-2016-OneStageB- SCRREEN-GA- 730227
- H2020-NMBP-2016-2017-NEXTOWER-GA-721045

We are looking for a Post-Doctoral researcher specialist in nanosafety and nanotoxicity interested in working in ICCRAM. In this recruitment process the candidates must have competences in the following areas: Biochemistry, molecular and cell biology with nanotechnology applications, Nanomedicine, environmental compatibility, safety of advanced nanomaterials and nanomaterials biotoxicity.
Emphasize the high international grade of ICCRAM, which is a main actorin synergy with international organizations like EU-NANOFUTURES or Nanotechnology IndustriesAssociation (NIA), and relevant activity within the EIP Raw Materials. Currently ICCRAM participates in European Projectsunder the H2020 program such as SUPERMAT, NOVAMAG, NANOGENTOOLS or REFRAM.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Hold a PhD Degree in Bio/Chemistry, Biology or Environmental Science.
- Record of publications with high impact.
- Experience in working for European Projects.
- Capacity to work as a member of a team, flexibility, high motivation to do international stays and high researching motivation.
- Experience in the following research areas:
*Nanomaterials Biotoxicity.
*Biocompatibility and environmental compatibility. Ecotoxicity.
*Biophysics and genomics.
*Relevant experience incell culture,molecular technology, cell biology and proteomics/ genomics.
*Microscopy Techniques: AFM-RAMAN, TEM.
*Safe by design.
- Advanced cell biology techniques.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Salary: 23.000-28.000 € gross/year.
Relevant record of publications, international stays and awards, honorable mentions and great distinctions will be specially appreciated.

CONTACT EMAIL: oficina.iccram@ubu.es; director.iccram@ubu.es

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