miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: 1 Post-Doctoral position at PharmMar (Madrid)

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Institución:PHARMA MAR
Contacto correo-e:pcalvo@pharmamar.com
Post-Doctoral position, available at Preclinical Department of PharmaMar (Colmenar Viejo, Madrid), Legal Form: contract. Duration: 12 months. Start of the contract: 2nd semester of 2010.

Applicants must have a PhD Degree in Biology, Pharmacy or Medicine.

The Post-Doc will carry out research in the frame of "DENDREAMERS", a Marie Curie ITN in the field of Liquid Crystal Dendrimers.

PharmaMar is a biopharmaceutical company Zeltia Group and global leader in the discovery, development and commercialization of anticancer drugs of marine origin. Yondelis ® is the first Spanish anti-cancer drug. Yondelis® is already approved in the 30 countries of the EEA and Switzerland and in 21 countries outside the EEA (European Economic Area). Yondelis ® is also in Phase II development in prostate, breast and pediatric cancers. PharmaMar has four novel compounds in clinical development: Aplidin ®, Irvalec ®, Zalypsis ® and PM01183. PharmaMar also has a rich pipeline of preclinical candidates, and a strong research and development program.

Conditions and salary level, according to EU regulations. (ERs, Experienced Researchers).
The available research lines are:

1- In vivo toxicity evaluation of nanopharmaceuticals and nano delivery systems and/or
2- In vivo antitumoral evaluation of Drug Delivery Systems and Thermotherapy.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Applicants should send a short summary of their research experience by e-mail, reasoning their interest and merits in the research lines available, a cover letter, their CV, and two reference letters addressed to Mr Pablo Avilés at: paviles@pharmamar.com, and Ms Pilar Calvo at pcalvo@pharmamar.com.

Candidates are encouraged to send their applications as soon as possible; review of the applications will begin immediately after their reception. Deadline for submission of CVs: 30th of August.

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