miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: oferta empleao

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Institución:Consorcio ESS-Bilbao
Contacto correo-e:rrhh@essbilbao.com

Información complementaria de la oferta:
The ESS-Bilbao Consortium (ESS-B), located in Bilbao, Spain, and founded by the Governments of the Basque Country and the central Government of Spain, is at present developing an accelerator research facility for fundamental and applied research using neutron and proton beams. The Accelerator Physics Group has an open position.


Description: This position falls within the framework of scientific computing on high-intensity linear accelerators at ESS-Bilbao. The chosen candidate will be required to carry out the following duties:

- Work closely with instrument scientists and science team members to understand research requirements and transform these requirements into functional software.
- Work with a multi-disciplinary team to produce and test software which may be integrated into more complex packages.
- Document software by writing user guides, reference manuals, and help pages. Train others in use of the software.
- Develop and implement appropriate testing protocols capable of verifying the accuracy of software produced.
- Maintain these applications, incorporating identified improvements.
- Represent ESS-Bilbao at relevant conferences and workshops, engaging with the broader accelerator physics community to refine applications.

Qualifications and experience: Candidates should have an Computing Engineering / Physics degree (or higher), with good knowledge of High Performance Computing Systems and communication protocols. Additional knowledge on electromagnetism and electrodynamics will be an added advantage.

Good computing and system administration skills are required for this job. Candidates who can prove their experience with mathematical computing environments and UNIX system administration will be considered first.

Language skills: Excellent oral and written English is essential; knowledge of French, German and other European languages would be an advantage.

Notes: Selected candidates may be required to stay two years in international scientific facilities such as ISIS, CERN, ILL, etc., and to carry out research assignments in these locations. Selected candidates will be subject to an initial three-year contract, which may be extended.

How to apply: Send a copy of your CV as well as a cover letter and some references if available to:
Att.: ESS-BILBAO Recruitment
e-mail: direccion@essbilbao.com.
Vacancy reference: APG/SC-2010-19.

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