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Institución:Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)
Contacto correo-e:postdoc@cnio.es
The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) offers training opportunities to postdoctoral researchers seeking to advance their careers within an international scientific environment of excellence.
Highly motivated individuals are encouraged to apply for the following of CNIO's research programmes: Molecular Oncology, Cancer Cell Biology, Structural Biology and Biocomputing, Molecular Pathology, Human Cancer Genetics and Clinical Research. For details on research at the CNIO: www.cnio.es
We seek:
• Exceptional researchers with a PhD or MD degree obtained no more than 3 years prior to the deadline. Candidates may also apply if they will obtain their degree before May 2011
• Candidates must have at least one first author publication (including joint authorship) in a high impact factor journal at the time of application
• Upper age limit for eligibility is 35 years.
The CNIO offers:
• An excellent and stimulating working environments with a multidisciplinary approach to cancer research
• State-of-the-art equipment and core facilities
• A competitive salary of € 30,400 to 34,200 (gross) per year, depending on experience
Call closes on December 31st, 2010
For further information and to apply: www.cnio.es/postdoc
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Oficina de Formación/Training Office
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO)/
Spanish National Cancer Research Centre
Melchor Fernández Almagro, 3. 28029 Madrid. SPAIN
Phone: +34 917328000 ext. 4035/4036
Fax: +34 912246980
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