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Institución:Universidad de Lleida
Contacto correo-e:cesar.gemeno@pvcf.udl.cat
Insect olfactory neuroethology
Department of Crop and Forest Sciences, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain
The aim of the project is to characterize the neuroethological components of the olfactory response of the Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, to host plant volatiles and sex pheromones. The combination of plant volatiles with pheromone can improve pheromone efficiency in pest control.
Behavioral responses to pheromone and plant stimuli in the wind tunnel and in the field will be studied together with physiological responses at the peripheral and central nervous system levels. Flight-track analysis, electrophysiology and neuroanatomy will be employed.
This is a collaborative project between the Entomology Group, Department of Crop and Forest Sciences, University of Lleida (Dr. César Gemeno), the Department of Psychology at the University Autónoma of Madrid (Dr. Carmen Fernandez-Montraveta), and the Insect Physiology Group (PISC) at the INRA of Versailles (Dr. Sylvia Anton), providing an interdisciplinary and international research environment involving groups in chemical ecology and agricultural entomology, animal behavior and insect neurobiology.
Candidates should have a degree or MSc in an appropriate subject such as biology or entomology, and interests in chemical ecology, insect behavior and neurobiology.
The studentship is funded by the Spanish Department of Science and Innovation (MICINN). It provides a four-year stipend (around 1200 €/month) plus social security, starting approximately in August 2011. On-line application at the web page of the MICINN (www.micinn.es) should open in February 2011.
Potential candidates should contact Dr. César Gemeno (cesar.gemeno@pvcf.udl.cat) for further information.
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