martes, 11 de enero de 2011

e-Inclusion Newsletter - 11/01/2011

11 January 2011

Latest News

Reminder: consultation on active & healthy ageing

(26 November 2010) The European Commission is seeking the views of public and private organisations, companies and individual citizens on how Europe could scale up innovation to meet the challenges of the ageing population in Europe, and in particular on a pilot European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on active and healthy ageing, as set out in the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative, presented on 6 October by Maire Geoghegan Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science and Antonio Tajani, Vice-President for Industry and Entrepreneurship. Between 2010 and 2030, the number of Europeans aged over 65 will rise by nearly 40%, posing huge challenges but also offering great opportunities for Europe's society and economy. The EIP, which the Commission has proposed should be launched in 2011, would seek to meet three goals: to improve the health and quality of life of older people, enabling them to live active and independent lives; to contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of health and social care systems; and to foster competitiveness and business opportunities. The questionnaire is available in all official languages of the European Union. The consultation runs until 28 January 2011.

See also: The consultation document

Take part in a survey on e-Accessibility

(3 January 2011) On behalf of the European Commission, Technosite, NOVA and CNIPA are carrying out the "Monitoring eAccessibility" Study. This study will provide an overview of the status and progress of eAccessibility-related policies and technologies in 14 selected European countries and three non-European countries. The topic of this Study is "eAccessibility", in other words the ways that people with disabilities and others (such as older people) overcome the technical barriers and difficulties they experience when trying to participate on equal terms in the information society. ICT is increasingly essential for daily life and work. ICT contributes to efficiency and quality of public services, business opportunities, workers' productivity and overall competitiveness. The survey is open until 19 January.

Contact: users66(at)

Flanders Primary Care Safe - Market Consultation: deadline 28/01/2011

(4 January 2011) With the assistance of ICT applications and networks, Flanders aims to support and facilitate smooth cooperation between the various primary care actors by efficiently sharing patient records, increasing the quality and availability of the records and consequently reducing the administrative burdens, wherever the patient is staying. In order to examine which of the components that are available on the market can be used to develop the Primary Care Safe, the Flemish authorities launched a market consultation in December 2010. Companies that can supply or develop modules have the opportunity to submit their proposals until 28 January 2011. The companies whose components best meet the objectives of the Primary Care Safe will afterwards be invited to further explain their proposal. The outcomes of the market consultation will provide important input for the possible announcement of a tender for the purchase of components for the realisation of the Primary Care Safe.

See also: Primary care safe for the Flanders region - Tender

EU ratifies UN Convention on disability rights

(5 January 2011) Following formal ratification, it is the first time in history the EU has become a party to an international human rights treaty – the United Nation's (UN) Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. The Convention aims to ensure that people with disabilities can enjoy their rights on an equal basis with all other citizens. It is the first comprehensive human rights treaty to be ratified by the EU as a whole. It has also been signed by all 27 EU Member States and ratified by 16 of these. The EU becomes the 97th party to this treaty. The Convention sets out minimum standards for protecting and safeguarding a full range of civil, political, social, and economic rights for people with disabilities. It reflects the EU's broader commitment to building a barrier-free Europe for the estimated 80 million people with disabilities in the EU by 2020, as set out in the European Commission's disability strategy.

See also: EU's disability strategy for 2010-2020

Digital Agenda: simple smart phones and remote controls help elderly and disabled to manage their homes

(6 January 2011) With more than two and a half million Euros of EU funding, researchers from the Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Sweden have developed a solution to give elderly and disabled people easier control over the various electronic appliances and services in their homes using their mobile phone or other devices. The "I2HOME" project has developed a personalised and simplified Universal Remote Console interface based on existing and evolving open standards. This interface can be in a universal remote control, a mobile phone, a computer or other devices and can be used to, for example, switch on and programme washing machines, lighting, heating, air conditioning, TVs, DVD players/recorders and other household devices. The technology can also be applied outside the home. Harnessing information and communications technologies to support dignified and high quality independent living for the elderly, visually impaired or people with cognitive disabilities is one of the key objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe, adopted by the European Commission in May 2010.

See also: Website I2HOME

A new system for event-based surveillance will be presented at CeBIT 2011 and at IMED 2011

1 March 2011 - 5 March 2011

The system relies upon new event detection technologies and a broad range of information sources including multi media data and Web 2.0 content. In the first year of project duration, the consortium of the EU-funded M-Eco project worked towards a first prototype of a new event-based surveillance system. The challenges and short-comings of existing tools for early detection of disease outbreaks are addressed in that project by using additional information sources, applying more sophisticated event detection technologies and by personlizing and filtering the results. The first prototype of the system is now available and is presented at CeBIT, the international trade show on digital technologies. Research-wise, the project results will be presented with several contributions at the International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED 2011) on February 4-7, 2011 in Vienna, Austria. The project in general will be presented as well as results from user studies and results from technological research of the project.

See also: About M-Eco project

New in the Library

Interreality in the Management and Treatment of Stress-Related Disorders: video

22 December 2010

The INTERSTRESS project aims to design, develop and test an advanced ICT-based solution for the assessment and treatment of psychological stress. Check out the video for more information.

Contact: Communication Officer
See also: INTERSTRESS website

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