martes, 11 de enero de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Project Manager - Brain and Cognition Unit, UPF

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Institución:BCU - UPF
The Brain and Cognition Unit at Pompeu Fabra University, integrating researchers from different disciplines with the unified vision to foster the understanding of bilingualism, seeks a Project Manager

Minimum requirements:
o University degree with proficient knowledge of English
o Experience with R&D management (2-3 years minimum experience expected) and knowledge of the funding sources for research at European, national and regional level

Desired capacity to demonstrate:
o Capacity to contribute to the generation of new proposals
o Ability to work independently and unsupervised to create new opportunities for the unit
o Experience in budget elaboration and control in research projects
o Ability to set priorities and organizational skills
o Excellent communication and inter-personal skills, including written communication to support networking and dissemination activities

The overall target of the position is to contribute to unit success such that:
o the efficiency and efficacy of the management processes in the unit increases
o researchers in the unit are more productive and satisfied with the service provided
o funding opportunities increase (increase in projects and funding, and the quality and impact of the ongoing projects)
o visibility of research results increases within the international scientific community and general population

And will include the following responsibilities:
o contribute to consolidate the activities of the unit, improving the management systems
o the relation with internal (UPF Research Services, Secretary of the Department) and external stakeholders (project partners, clients, public administration, etc)

Main tasks:
o Management of the unit: Management of ongoing projects (including ERC grants, FP7 coordinated
projects, CONSOLIDER, Plan Nacional i+D, etc), driving all legal and financial aspects to completion; dissemination activities (with special emphasis in the generation of communication material); overall coordination of common infrastructure
o Research promotion: In close cooperation with the support offered by UPF, identification and promotion of new funding opportunities; support to researchers in the elaboration of new proposals; generation and maintenance of material (unit profile, researchers bio, financial templates, exploitation strategies, etc) that supports this strategy. It is expected in the mid-term an overall understanding of research conducted in the unit to independently drive all legal, financial, IPR and dissemination activities.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Selection process: CVs will be evaluated following the criteria above. A reduced set of candidates will be contacted for personal interviews in english.
If you are interested in this position, please send your CV together with a brief motivation letter to with the reference BCC Project Manager before January 21st 2011

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