Latest News
- Digital Agenda: New "virtual liver" technology helps detect liver tumours
(5 January 2012) Scientists and surgeons from France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland have developed a "virtual liver", using EU research funding, which will help surgeons better plan and carry out tumour operations and ensure quicker patient recovery. The PASSPORT project (Patient-Specific Simulation and Pre-Operative Realistic Training) makes a uniquely accurate "virtual liver" available to physicians based on medical images sent by the radiologist to a PASSPORT online service, which helps surgeons decide whether they should or not operate. Surgeons can now see more precisely where a tumour is and where they will have to operate to safely remove it.
- FET Proactive Information Day on ICT FP7 Call 9
18 January 2012 Brussels, Belgium
During this event, information on Future and Emgerging Technologies (FET) Proactive initiatives under ICT FP7 call 9 will be provided, as well as contractual, legal and administrative modalities. In addition, the creation of consortia and synergies will be facilitated through an open exchange "Proposers Forum". Registration is free of charge but mandatory. Early registration is strongly recommended.
Contact: Roumen Borissov
New in the Library
- Guide to broadband investment
3 January 2012
How can EU regional funding best promote the roll-out of broadband? The European Commission has published a guide for public authorities managing EU funds on the strengths and weaknesses of different models of investment in high speed internet infrastructures. It provides advice to managing authorities and project promoters on the issues that should be considered when planning a public sector investment in broadband infrastructure. The guide is based on a detailed review of several broadband investment projects (mostly co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund). It includes messages on success factors and lessons learned. The Digital Agenda for Europe aims to ensure that by 2020 all Europeans have access to the Internet at speeds above 30Mbit/s and 50% or more of European households should have subscriptions above 100 Mbit/s. The guide has been co-signed by Commissioners Hahn, Kroes, Ciolos and Almunia. It complements other activities by the Commission services such as the European Broadband Portal and the Bottom up Broadband initiative.
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