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Institución:University of Burgos
Contacto correo-e:sapar@ubu.es
The Computational Chemistry Group (Prof. Santiago Aparicio) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Burgos (Spain), is seeking highly motivated candidates for a post-doctoral fellowship.
Applicants of any nationality must have a Ph. D. degree from a spanish University or from a non-spanish University but in this case the degree should have been previously convalidated by a spanish institution.
The applicants must have a strong publication record in computational chemistry in areas such as quantum chemistry, first principles,and molecular dynamics.
The object of the activity will be the application of computational chemistry methods in the framework of research projects under development in energy and environment areas.
The characteristics of the fellowship are:
- duration: 1 year (prolongable another year).
- monthly salary: 2,472 €
- starting date: November 1, 2013
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Interested candidates must submit by email to Prof. Santiago Aparicio (sapar@ubu.es) all the following documents before October 11, 2013:
- motivation letter.
- curriculum vitae.
- publications list.
- applicant contact information (email and phone)
- two references (e-mail).
All applicant must also present an official application before october 14, 2013, at "Registro General de la Universidad de Burgos" or "cualquiera de los procedimientos establecidos en el artículo 38.4 de la Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y Procedimiento Administrativo Común" including:
- copy of DNI for spanish applicants, copy of equivalent doument for EU applicants, or passport copy.
- copy of Ph. D. diploma/certificate.
- CV.
- Official application document that can be obtained from from Prof. Santiago Aparicio (sapar@ubu.es).
Additional information about position and application procedure at sapar@ubu.es
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