Latest News
- Commission to boost research and innovation by making it easier to apply for and manage EU grants
(29 April 2010)The European Commission has unveiled a plan to simplify the procedures for taking part in EU-funded research projects. The overall aim is to make participation transparent and attractive to the best researchers and innovative companies in Europe and beyond. Ensuring European research realises its full potential is crucial to the EU's Europe 2020 Strategy, given the need to consolidate economic recovery and develop new sources of growth and jobs to replace those lost in the crisis. Complementing the proposals on simplification, the Commission has also appointed a group of independent experts to review all aspects of the current Seventh Framework Programme.
See also: Commission to cut further red tape in research funding procedures - Questions and Answers
- Call for papers: Affective Interaction in Natural Environments - Deadline: 10 June 2010
(30 April 2010)A vital requirement for social robots, virtual agents, and human-centered multimedia interfaces is the ability to infer the affective and mental states of humans and provide appropriate, timely output during sustained social interactions. This workshop will cover real-time computational techniques for the recognition and interpretation of human multimodal verbal and non-verbal behaviour, models of mentalising and empathising for interaction, and multimedia techniques for synthesis of believable social behaviour supporting human-agent and human-robot interaction.
- Contribute to the Amsterdam Declaration - WCIT launches a consultation with all stakeholders
(30 April 2010)The WCIT congress (25-27 May 2010) in Amsterdam will bring together the world's leading people from industry, government and academia in the field of ICT. A key result will be the Amsterdam Declaration, which calls on all stakeholders to deliver the ambitious goals of enhancing economic growth, reducing greenhouse gases, promoting quality of life and consumer confidence, and ensuring that these benefits reach a global impact. Everybody agrees on the goals, which are similar to those of the existing Grenada Declaration and the future Digital Europe strategy. But the critical issue is: How do we turn the Declaration's words into reality? WCIT therefore launches an open collaboration with all stakeholders. You can help by: - Commenting directly next to the text of Declaration on what action is needed to achieve its goals; - Proposing inspirational ICT initiatives that you think are making a difference.
See also: Declaration of Amsterdam (draft)
- Speech recognition supporting learning: The future
13 May 2010 Bologna, Italy
Net4voice is a European project, funded under the Lifelong Learning Programme, that has been investigating how speech recognition can support learning in Schools, Universities and Further Education in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. The project has developed a methodology for using Speech Recognition technologies for learning and has evaluated its impact, including for learners with special needs. The aim of the conference is to share and discuss Net4voice findings and to help identify the future developments in speech recognition. Participation is free but prior registration is required.
- Workshop: Multimodal Location Based Techniques for Extreme Navigation
17 May 2010 Helsinki, Finland
Location-based data and services for geographical and navigational information (such as electronic maps and gps directions), are usually presented using visual displays. With the increasing complexity of information, and the variety of contexts of use, it becomes important to consider how other non-visual sensory channels, such as audition and touch, can be used to communicate necessary and timely information to users. This workshop will provide a forum for sharing research ideas and findings about new interaction and perceptualization metaphors, novel application contexts, multimodal and context-aware technologies for mobility -- thereby creating a solid foundation for further exploration of pervasive extreme navigation.
- Regions for Economic Change conference – "Building Sustainable Growth"
20 May 2010 - 21 May 2010 Brussels, Belgium
The conference aims to adress the following key themes : smarth growth, knowledge and innovation, energy efficiency, greening cities and the use of brown fields. The event will also provide an opportunity to network and exchange good practices in the use of cohesion policy instruments at regional level.
- ECTA Conference - High Speed Internet For All
2 June 2010 Brussels, Belgium
With participants including representatives from the incoming and outgoing EU Presidencies 2010, European Parliament, European Commission, regulators and governments, this industry event will cover topics such as Strategies for achieving Universal Coverage; Convergence and the role of mobile broadband and Regulating Next Generation Access: Current approaches and market outcomes.
- Science and Policy Forum on Future and Emerging Technologies Flagships
9 June 2010 - 10 June 2010 Brussels, Belgium
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship Initiatives are proposed to be visionary, science- and goal-driven large-scale European ICT research initiatives cascading into various scientific and technological areas, from long-term to more technology-driven research. The scientific advance is at the center of the initiatives. Flagships should generate a wave of technological innovation and economic exploitation, ideally in a variety of areas and sectors, and would carry an important societal impact. The overall objective of this workshop is to establish an open, high-level, high-visibility event and to inform all stakeholders (from key scientists to research policy makers) on the preparation of the FET Flagship Initiatives.
Contact: Information Desk FET Flagship Initiatives
See also: The FET Flagship Initiative in a nutshell - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- Workshop: Using Audio and Haptics for Delivering Spatial Information via Mobile Devices, MobileHCI 2010 - deadline for contributions is 10 May
7 September 2010 Lisbon, Portugal
The acquisition and use of orientation and navigation skills is based on the processing of visual, auditory and sensorimotor/kinesthetic information, denoting the relations between objects, places, and people. With the recent availability of global positioning method, of comprehensive GIS systems, of powerful mobile computers and of advanced interaction techniques, multisensory spatial information could now be presented in a personalized, context-aware and intuitive manner. However, it is still not completely clear how to design, and how and when to present multisensory spatial information on mobile devices. This workshop will initiate a multidisciplinary discussion on these topics. Researchers working in the fields of human-computer-interaction, computer science, cognitive sciences, psychology, psychophysics, mechanics and electronics, are invited to submit a position paper and/or a demo presentation before 10 May.
New in the Library
- Broadband Solutions for Consumers with Disabilities - report published by the Australian Communication Consumer Action Network
27 April 2010
A new international research report commissioned by the Australian Communication Consumer Action Network reports on 16 high-speed broadband applications that can provide enormous benefits to people with disabilities. The report was conducted between November 2009 and January 2010 and discusses the uses of broadband applications in Europe, the United States and Japan.
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