Latest News
- Stimulating growth and employment: an action plan for doubling the volume of e-commerce in Europe by 2015
(11 January 2012) The development of electronic commerce and online services offers enormous potential for beneficial economic, social and societal change. The Internet economy creates 2.6 jobs for every "off-line" job lost, and offers a better choice to consumers, including those in rural and isolated areas. The gains brought by lower online prices and a wider choice of available products and services are estimated at EUR 11.7 billion, equivalent to 0.12 % of European GDP. If 15 % of retail sales were e-commerce and the obstacles to the internal market were removed, the gains for consumers might be as much as EUR 204 billion, or 1.7 % of European GDP. The European Commission finds, however, that there are many obstacles preventing consumers and businesses from investing fully in online services: ignorance or uncertainty about the applicable rules, offers that lack transparency and are hard to compare, and payments and modes of delivery that are often expensive and unsuitable.
See also: Communication on e-commerce - frequently asked questions
- Breaking down barriers to secure and innovative card, internet and mobile payments
(11 January 2012) Carrying a virtual train ticket or repaying a friend with your mobile phone, buying your groceries online, paying with your debit card abroad - the way European citizens shop and pay is radically changing. A secure and transparent integrated payments environment throughout the EU could create more efficient, modern and safer means of payments - for the benefits of consumers, merchants and payment providers. Based on the Green Paper consultation adopted today, the Commission seeks the views of stakeholders as to which obstacles hinder further market integration and how these could be resolved. The deadline for submitting contributions to the consultation is 11 April 2012.
- Defending media pluralism in Hungary
(6 January 2012) Commissioner Neelie Kroes has assured Hungarians of her support for free and independent newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations. In a post on her personal blog, the Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda committed to doing "all I can within my powers and with my own voice to ensure that Hungarians can participate in, hear and learn from the media of their choice." Kroes reminded readers that in 2011 she had pushed for changes to the Hungarian Media Law and had achieved those changes. She also pointed out that 98% of Hungarians now have access to broadband internet and thus the opportunity to express themselves and access the opinions of others. Against the backdrop of new radio licences, she called for even more competition and suggested to overcome the restrictions of limited radio spectrum by vibrant new radio stations on the internet. This blog post by Commissioner Kroes in available in English and Hungarian.
See also: Blog post "Defending media pluralism in Hungary" in Hungarian
- Bridging research in ageing and ICT development: Final conference
28 May 2012 Prague, Czech Republic
The final BRAID Conference will present results achieved by the project, encompassing the roadmap and implementation activities. The one-day meeting seeks to discuss socio-economic aspects in ICT and ageing that influence and shape recreational activities across different life settings and mechanisms that empower older people to live independently and fulfilled. The conference will provide space for stakeholders to exchange and discuss the results from practical experiences including best practice projects and failed approaches in the field of ICT and ageing. The final BRAID Conference will take place alongside the IFA 2012 Conference.
- FET Proactive Information Day on ICT FP7 Call 9
18 January 2012 Brussels, Belgium
During this event, information on Future and Emgerging Technologies (FET) Proactive initiatives under ICT FP7 call 9 will be provided, as well as contractual, legal and administrative modalities. In addition, the creation of consortia and synergies will be facilitated through an open exchange "Proposers Forum". Registration is free of charge but mandatory. Early registration is strongly recommended.
Contact: Roumen Borissov
New in the Library
- The diabetes puzzle
12 January 2012
Insulin-dependent diabetes is on the rise all around the world, but the cause of this disease remains unclear. There is a theory, however, that kids need a bit of dirt to build up their defences against this and other autoimmune diseases. This Futuris episode also looks at the DIAdvisor project: researchers have developed a new high-tech system constantly monitoring the blood glucose levels of diabetic patients, warning them if corrective action is needed. Wireless sensors fixed on the patients' body measure their blood composition and physical activity.
See also: DIAdvisor - Personal glucose predictive diabetes advisor
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
- Making online transactions easier, more trustworthy and more transparent
Remarks at Press Conference on eCommerce Action Plan Communication, Brussels, 11 January 2012
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