Latest News
- Digital Agenda: Commission proposes over €9 billion for broadband investment
(19 October 2011) The European Commission has proposed to spend almost €9.2 billion from 2014 to 2020 on pan-European projects to give EU citizens and businesses access to high-speed broadband networks and the services that run on them. The funding, part of the proposed Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), would take the form of both equity and debt instruments and grants. It would complement private investment and public money at local, regional and national level and EU structural or cohesion funds. At least €7 billion would be available for investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure.
- Final BRAID (Bridging Research in Ageing and ICT Development) Workshop
3 November 2011 - 4 November 2011 Budapest
The efficient engagement of relevant stakeholder groups is a key ingredient in the BRAID project for successfully addressing pertinent issues relevant to ICT and ageing. The final BRAID workshop will be reaching out to representatives from the Central and Eastern Europe region, in order to share the BRAID vision with key stakeholders and local authorities, as well as to get an insight on the current situation and future prospects in the area of ICT and ageing for countries that have most recently joined the European Union. Overall, the aim of this workshop is to take that extra step towards planning for an effective implementation of the BRAID roadmap, through actively involving all participants of the workshop in a series of activities within the context of an "implementation exercise". Furthermore, local stakeholders will be invited to address theoretical and practical issues relevant to ICT and ageing in the context of Hungary and the wider region. BRAID is a FP7 Support Action funded within the specific programme "Cooperation" and the research theme "ICT" of the 7th European Framework Programme (Objective ICT-2009.7.1 ICT & Ageing).
- Pre-conference to the 6th European Ministerial eGovernment Conference "Innovation for eParticipation"
16 November 2011 Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Organised one day before the 6th European Ministerial eGovernment Conference and Exhibition "Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans", the Pre-Conference is intended to show the results of important European eGovernment research in generating and implementing e-visions and e-solutions, as well as the possibilities to build new strategies upon current results. The focus will be on the three following themes: Innovations for Government e-participation; Innovations for Business e-participation; Innovative e-services. This 3rd Pre-Conference is jointly organized by two governmental agencies involved in innovation: VINNOVA from Sweden and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) from Poland. It is hosted by the Poznan University of Economics. The pre-conference will be followed by a dinner and is free of charge. Participants have to pre-register on the website of the pre-conference.
- Awards Night of the Vodafone Foundation EU Smart Accessibility
5 December 2011
Last June, AGE Platform Europe, the European Disability Forum and Vodafone Foundation, launched a unique initiative challenging developers to design mobile applications to improve the lives of ageing people and people with disabilities. The 12 finalist applications will be presented at the Awards night. Keynotes speeches: Vittorio Colao, CEO, Vodafone Group; Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe; Rodolfo Cattani, Secretary & Chair of the ICT Expert Group, European Disability Forum.
Contact: Registration by 29 November at smartawards2011(at)
- 3rd meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility
19 January 2012 Barcelona
The main objective of the Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) is to address the need to make audiovisual media accessible for persons with disabilities. The Focus Group encourages participation of all standards development organizations (SDOs) working in this area. The FG AVA is open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia. It is also open to any individual from a country which is a member of ITU and who is willing to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members or representatives of SDOs as well as other interested stakeholders. (Note this meeting was originally scheduled for 17 November 2011.)
- 10th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics
12 June 2012 - 15 June 2012 Artimino, Italy
ICOST 2012 invites participants to present and discuss their experiences in the design, development, deployment and evaluation in the areas of smart homes, health telematics and assistive technologies. ICOST 2012 will provide a dynamic program which will incorporate a range of speakers from technical, clinical and industrial fields.
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