viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

eHealth Newsletter - 07/10/2011

7 October 2011
This newsletter is sent on a monthly basis (sometimes biweekly). For more regular updates please visit the Europa eHealth newsroom or subscribe to the eHealth RSS feed.

Latest News

European Commission officials visit member states to present the Digital Agenda for Europe

10 October 2011 - 14 October 2011

From 10 to 14 October, European Commission officials will participate in events organised in France, Romania, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Latvia in order to present to stakeholders and the public the Digital Agenda for Europe. These events will focus on the Digital Single Market, Research and Innovation, ICT for Society, the Global Cities' Dialogue, Broadband, digital inclusion, Digital Agenda and the youth, eGovernment, eHealth. The visits are part of the Going Local exercise, run by the European Commission for the second year in a row, in order to foster a public dialogue on the Digital Agenda goals.

See also: Digital Agenda Going Local events

Smart cards, mobile telephony and "Machine to Machine" at the heart of e-health services

15 November 2011 - 17 November 2011 Paris, France

Smart security technologies (security and respect for private life) are crucial to improving the quality of care and patient comfort, but also in the fight against fraud and rising health costs. Several health smart cards have already emerged in the United States. In Europe, Germany and France are launching new cards.

See also: eHealth in the EU

Register now for the ICT for Energy Efficiency Wiki and share best practices!
ICT for Energy Efficieny WIKI - Local and Regional Initiatives

(6 October 2011) Join the ICT for Energy Efficiency wiki-site! It is designed to share information about local, regional and national ICT initiatives to improve energy efficiency. The wiki is now fully operative and provides practical advice and examples of good practices in the planning and implementation of energy efficiency initiatives involving ICT. These materials together with the executive summary of the current content is available in 22 languages at The purpose of this tool is to share information by keeping this on-line collection dynamic and updated. Cities, Municipalities, Regions as well as Energy, ICT stakeholders and all actors working together throughout Europe will definitely benefit from this tool! Register now to find out what has been already done, share your experience, learn from the others' cases and, last but not least, give the deserved visibility to your own initiative. Be part of it! Send an e-mail to confirming that you would like to register to the ICT4EE WIKI, indicating your credentials such as name, position, organisation/company, city/region you belong to or cooperate with. You will receive your login credentials in order to access the platform page at The ICT for Energy Efficiency WIKI is there for you: do not miss this opportunity!

Contact: Contact us
See also: Platform page - please use your login details

CZ: Almost half of healthcare workers now employ EHRs

(4 October 2011) Almost 50 % of all healthcare workers in the Czech Republic now actively employ the electronic health records (EHRs) of the IZIP system (EZK, in Czech). IZIP's statistics reveal a high involvement of doctors and other healthcare workers with the IZIP system. In mid-August 2011, more than 20 500 healthcare workers were utilising the EHR services. Moreover, the number of EHR medical entries has grown by a third over the past 6 months to 22 870 582 and now 2.54 million patients have an EHR. These statistics indicate that the importance of EHRs continues to grow.

See also: EC - ICT for Health

ES: T-shirt which monitors a patient's physiology and location successfully tested

(4 October 2011) An 'intelligent' T-shirt which monitors its wearer's physiology and locates them within the hospital, has been successfully tested at La Paz Hospital in Madrid, it was announced on 19 September 2011. Designed to be used in hospitals, the T-shirt is a biomonitoring platform which enables healthcare professionals to monitor such physiological parameters as the patient's temperature and pulse in a non-intrusive manner. It can also pinpoint the patient's location on a map of the hospital, within a two-metre margin of error, as though it were an indoor Global Positioning System (GPS). Furthermore, it can determine if the subject is seated, lying down, walking or running.

See also: EC - Personal Health Systems

New in the Library

SI/EU: epSOS project - Slovenia to be included in the exchange of test data in 2012

20 September 2011

The Slovenian Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Public Health are cooperating in 'Smart Open Services for European Patients' (epSOS), the main European electronic health (eHealth) interoperability project co-funded by the European Commission and partner countries. Slovenia will be among the countries involved in the exchange of test data in 2012, which is foreseen to take place initially with Austria and Slovakia.

See also: ICT for sustainable and interoperable health services

PT: Health Ministry issues report on ePrescriptions in health system

19 September 2011

Portuguese Health Ministry released a report which contains a description of the main trends regarding the scope of ePrescription in the different health system areas.

See also: epSOS - ePrescription Services in the pilot phase

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