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- Webinar: Assessing Clinical and Economic Benefits of Biocomputational Models. A Case Study with Physiome Models
27 March 2012 09:00 PDST/13:00 EST/18:00 CEST (UTC +02:00) - Duration: 60 minutes
The webinar is targeted at biocomputational modellers and researchers as well as RTD funding agencies in the field of Virtual Physiological Human and Physiome. About this webinar: The economic assessment method described reflects the latest research from the NMS Physiome project, a cooperation of two of the largest global research projects focusing on predictive, personalised and integrative musculoskeletal medicine: the Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human (VPHOP) project supported by the European Commission, and the Center for Physics-based Simulation of Biological Structures (SIMBIOS) at Stanford University, funded by the US National Institutes of Health. The Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) is a framework of methods and technologies that, once fully established, is expected to make possible the virtual investigation of the human body as a whole. Started in Europe in 2005, it has rapidly grown to become one of the research priorities of the Information and Communication Technologies Programme of the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, which runs from 2007 to 2013. In the US, VPH-type research is funded by all the federal agencies that participate in the Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group (IMAG), whose grantees are coordinated in the Multi-Scale Modeling (MSM) consortium. NMS Physiome is an international project co-funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The Webinar is hosted by SIMBIOS, Stanford University.
Contact: Contact
See also: VPH projects at the EC - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- Cross-Border Healthcare in Europe: Towards Clarity, Quality and Synergy between Member States
30 May 2012 Brussels, Belgium
One year on from the adoption of the EU Directive on Patients' Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare, this Symposium will look at the challenges to the implementation of cross-border healthcare and their effect on patient's safety and quality, health professionals' mobility and European standards for healthcare services. The Danish Presidency will explore the creation of an adequate information system for the general public regarding medical prescriptions with equal access to all Member States. Delegates will have the chance to exchange innovative evidence-based ideas alongside good practices linked to cooperation between border regions in Europe and national healthcare systems.
See also: eHealth at the EC
- REMINDER: call for abstracts VPH2012 - deadline 26/03!
18 September 2012 - 20 September 2012 London, UK
Special attention will be given to the 'Digital Patient' as well as 'health forecasts' and this year there will be a dedicated conference track on 'Active and Healthy Ageing'. VPH2012 aims at reaching outside of the VPH community to other equally important communities: systems biology and genomics. In this respect, our vision is to have a conference that truly encompasses all possible scales to model physio/pathology with a clear ICT focus.
New in the Library
- The EU eHealth Daily - Fresh European eHealth news every morning
21 March 2012
This online journal gathers a wide variety of news published on twitter by different actors in the field. If you are interesting in receiving it, you are welcome to subscribe. As well if you are working in the field and have a twitter account, follow us @EU_ehealth and we will follow back so that your news will be featured in the Daily.
See also: eHealth at the European Commission - SPEECH
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda , Giving Europe's scientists the tools to deliver
International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2012), Copenhagen, 23 March 2012
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