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Contacto correo-e:fcodoner@lifesequencing.com
Bioinformatics position available at LIFESEQUENCING S.L.
Lifesequencing is the first Spanish private company involved in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data generation and analysis; the company is allocated at the University of Valencia Scientific Park (C/Catedratico Agustin Escardino, 9, Edif 2, 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain). Lifesequencing is an active company in the field of supporting NGS in research projects, and also developing internal research. The company has sequencing facilities with access to 454 Life Science/Roche, Illumina, Ion Torrent and SoLID, as well as access to Super-computing facilities.
Lifesequencing offers a full time contract during 6-month contract with a possibility of long term-undefined contract after the 6 months.
The successful applicant will play a key role in the evaluation and development of bioinformatic tools and pipelines to support analysis of high-throughput next-generation (Illumina/454/Ion Torrent) sequencing data.
Additional Information:
Basic Qualifications:
1.- A Master degree or equivalent experience in computer science, computational biology, or related field.
2.- Experience with object oriented bioinformatics programing languages in a unix environment (Perl, Python, Javascript, SQL) and compiled languages (e.g. C++), relational databases and construction of computational pipelines.
3.- Ability to work inside of the bioinformatics core facility of the company.
4.- Prior experience in NGS data analysis is required (specially assembly, RNAseq analysis and genome annotation).
Applicants should submit a cover letter describing interest, skills and prior bioinformatic experience; a CV with the contact information of 3 people who can provide references.
All documents should be sent to Francisco M. Codoñer, PhD (fcodoner@lifesequencing.com) Scientific Director and Head of Bioinformatics.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
All documents should be sent to Francisco M. Codoñer, PhD (fcodoner@lifesequencing.com) Scientific Director and Head of Bioinformatics.
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