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Institución:Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante
Contacto correo-e:e.herrera@umh.es
A postdoctoral position is available for highly motivated scientists to investigate the formation of neural circuits in mammals. Our laboratory focuses on the molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying the formation of bilateral circuits. Many features of mature neural function, including the interpretation of sensory information and the coordination of locomotion, depend on coherent communication between the two halves of the nervous system. Therefore, the correct formation of bilateral circuits is essential for the perfect functioning of the mature brain. To understand the mechanisms underlying the development of bilateral circuits our group applies a multidisciplinary set of approaches ranging from mouse genetics, anatomic studies and gene delivery in vivo and in vitro using the mouse visual system and the spinal cord as a model. For further information about our laboratory please check our web site.
Successful candidates must hold a doctoral-level degree with solid background of biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, genetics and developmental neurobiology. Experience with mice models will be appreciated. Applicants should send a CV including the names and contact information of three references to: e.herrera@umh.es
Información complementaria de la oferta:
web site: http://in.umh.es/grupos-detalle.aspx?grupo=31
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