Latest News
- Commission to boost Europe's defences against cyber-attacks
(30 September 2010)The European Commission today unveiled two new measures to ensure that Europe can defend itself from attacks against its key information (IT) systems. A proposal for a Directive to deal with new cyber crimes, such as large-scale cyber attacks, is complemented by a proposal for a Regulation to strengthen and modernise the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
- Digital Agenda: Commission proposal to strengthen and modernise European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) - frequently asked questions
(30 September 2010)The European Commission today presented a proposal for a new mandate to strengthen and modernise the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). This initiative is foreseen by the Digital Agenda for Europe (see IP/10/581, MEMO/10/199 and MEMO/10/200) and to boost trust and network security. Strengthening and modernising ENISA will help the EU, Member States and private stakeholders develop their capabilities and preparedness to prevent, detect and respond to cyber-security challenges. The proposal will be forwarded to the European Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers for adoption. The ENISA proposal is complemented by a proposal for a Directive to deal with new cyber crimes, such as large-scale cyber attacks ("botnets") See also IP/10/1239 and MEMO/10/463.
- Proposal for a Directive on attacks against information systems, repealing Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA
(30 September 2010)Background Memo with Frequently Asked Questions
- Digital Agenda: Commission requests France and Spain to end 'telecoms taxes'
(30 September 2010)The European Commission has today decided to request France and Spain to abolish specific charges on the turnover of telecoms operators introduced when the Member States concerned decided to end paid advertising on public TV channels. In both cases, the Commission considers these "telecoms taxes" to be incompatible with EU telecoms rules, which require specific charges on telecoms operators to be specifically and directly related to covering the costs of regulating the telecoms sector. The requests take the form of "reasoned opinions" under EU infringement procedures. France and Spain now have two months to inform the Commission of measures taken to comply with EU telecoms rules. If they fail to do so, the Commission may refer them to the EU Court of Justice.
- Digital Agenda: Commission refers UK to Court over privacy and personal data protection
(30 September 2010)The European Commission has decided to refer the United Kingdom to the EU's Court of Justice for not fully implementing EU rules on the confidentiality of electronic communications such as e-mail or internet browsing. Specifically, the Commission considers that UK law does not comply with EU rules on consent to interception and on enforcement by supervisory authorities. The EU rules in question are laid down in the ePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC and the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The infringement procedure was opened in April 2009 (IP/09/570), following complaints from UK internet users notably with regard to targeted advertising based on analysis of users' internet traffic. The Commission previously requested the UK authorities in October 2009 (IP/09/1626) to amend their rules to comply with EU law.
- ICT Research: European Commission and Brazil devote EUR 10 million to cooperation in ICT research & development
(29 September 2010)The European Commission and the Brazilian Government have stepped up their cooperation on research and development in information and communication technologies (ICTs). A EUR 10 million coordinated call for proposals will allow researchers and industries in the EU and Brazil to exchange their R&D strengths in key technological areas such as Future Internet experimental facilities and security, microelectronics and micro-systems, networked monitoring and control, and e-Infrastructures. The EU and Brazil are each contributing EUR 5 million, which will be used to fund five pairs of interlinked projects. The closing date for submission of proposals is 18 January 2011.
- Digital Agenda: European Commission announces EUR 780 million boost for strategic ICT research
(28 September 2010)The European Commission has today announced one of the biggest calls ever for information and communications technology (ICT) research proposals under the EU's research framework programmes. The announcement was made at Europe's largest event for ICT research and innovation, ICT 2010-Digitally Driven. It will result in project funding of EUR 780 million in 2011. This funding will advance research on the future internet, robotics, smart and embedded systems, photonics, ICT for energy efficiency, health and well-being in an ageing society, and more. Under the Digital Agenda for Europe, the Commission has committed to maintaining the pace of a 20% yearly increase of the annual ICT R&D budget at least until 2013.
- Digital Agenda: Major ICT companies join European Commission initiative to reduce electricity consumption
(28 September 2010)Information & communication technology (ICT) equipment and services consume over 8% of electrical power in the EU and produce about 4% of its CO2 emissions. These figures could double by 2020. The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) manages voluntary codes of conduct for ICT companies to reverse this trend. Today in Brussels at the "ICT 2010-Digitally Driven" event, 16 more ICT firms have agreed to reduce the electricity consumption of their broadband equipment and data centres. This should reduce their electricity consumption, in many cases by 50%. Although a voluntary measure, 36 of Europe's biggest ICT companies already apply the codes of conduct. The Digital Agenda for Europe adopted by the Commission in May 2010 wants to ensure that the ICT sector leads the way on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.
- ICT research: Brussels showcase for intelligent robots, green homes, virtual reality and much more
(27 September 2010)More than 100 groundbreaking information and communication technology (ICT) research projects funded by the EU are being showcased at the "ICT 2010-Digitally Driven" conference and exhibition in Brussels Expo from 27 to 29 September. The event, organised every two years by the European Commission and this year hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the EU's Council of Ministers, brings together researchers, businesses and policy makers to show the latest ICT advances. Major themes this year are research for sustainable growth in a low-carbon economy, ICTs' constructive impact on everyday life and the importance of public funding and support in ICT research and innovation. Stepping up ICT research and innovation, a key objective of the Digital Agenda for Europe, will help increase Europe's productivity and growth, improve the quality of life and overcome social challenges.
- ECTA Regulatory Conference 2010
29 November 2010 - 1 December 2010 Brussels, Belgium
This year's conference will focus on delivery : what does industry need to deliver broadband Europe and how can national Governments and regulators rise to the challenge? Participants will be looking at the implications of the Commission Recommendation on next generation access, and examine how access rules and prices will be set as we transition from legacy copper to modern fibre networks and all-IP. Other debates will focus on the openness of the Internet (net neutrality), the potential extension of universal service regimes to broadband and permanent solutions to achieve a roaming-free Europe as well as political negotiations on spectrum management following the digital switch-over.
- Digital Agenda: Commission welcomes compliance with EU public sector information rules by Sweden and Italy; ends legal action
(30 September 2010)The European Commission has welcomed the adoption of new rules by Italy and Sweden as a result of which they are now complying with their obligations under the EU Directive on the re-use of public sector information. The Commission has therefore closed the infringement proceedings that had been opened against Italy and Sweden. Data produced by the public sector, worth at least EUR 27 billion every year in the EU according to a 2006 study, can be re-used in many products and services like car navigation systems, weather forecasts, travel information applications ("apps") that can be downloaded on smart phones and financial or insurance services. The EU's public sector information Directive, adopted in 2003, encourages Member States to ensure that such information is made available and that the public sector, and those who could be interested in using this data, are made aware of their rights and obligations. A public consultation on how best to improve the public sector information (PSI) Directive is currently underway.
- Internet governance: Joint statement of the Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes and the European Parliament after the closing of the Internet Governance Forum in Vilnius
(28 September 2010)The Internet Governance Forum meeting in Vilnius (Lithuania) on 14-17 September concluded a successful fifth meeting. As in previous years, it gathered a wide range of participants from all over the globe representing the any diverse Internet Governance stakeholders. After Athens in 2006, this was the second time the IGF was hosted by an EU Member State. This is a testimony of Europe's strong support for developing a global and multi-stakeholder debate on the governance of the Internet.
- MedTech Forum 2010
12 October 2010 - 14 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium
This event will bring together over 400 leaders from various organisations active in the EU healthcare scene. These include policy-makers, scientific communities, patients' representatives, healthcare professionals, academics and the medical technology industry. This year's conference is themed "Healthcare 2020" and will explore over the course of 3 days in 15 interactive sessions how the medical technology industry contributes and can better contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
- Digital Agenda Stakeholder Day
25 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium
The Digital Agenda, Europe's new strategy for the digital economy, was published in May and it is now time to discuss how to put it into practice. The 101 actions announced in the Digital Agenda are not just a "to do" list for the European Commission - it is a call for everyone to join in. The idea is to create a broad movement to make the Digital Agenda evolve as a dynamic instrument to meet the challenges of the information society: copyright, broadband, privacy, security, health, research, etc. You are invited to join the debate together with Vice-President Neelie Kroes on how to make the Digital Agenda a reality. If you would like to participate in the event, then propose an idea (deadline: 24 September 2010). The authors of the best ideas will be invited to the event.
Contact: infso-digital-agenda@ec.europa.eu
- eChallenges e-2010 Conference and Exhibition
27 October 2010 - 29 October 2010 Warsaw, Poland
This is the twentieth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 650 delegates from commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge, experience and good practice. eChallenges e-2010 will focus on applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges.
New in the Library
- Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda
- Welcome to Brussels: crossroads to the future
Opening address at ICT 2010 Conference, Brussels, 27 September 2010
- Virtual heart may hold key to better treatment
23 September 2010
Congenital heart problems altogether affect about one in 100 children, and heart disease in the general population is of course very common: it's the most common cause of illness and death, certainly in the Western world, and it's becoming the most common cause of illness and death in the developing world. Discover what EU research is doing in Healthcare.
Contact: euHeart project coordinator
See also: related EU ICT Research
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