Latest News
- European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing - European Commission launches Invitations for Commitment
(29 February 2012) Today, the Commission has launched the first Invitations for Commitment as a step to implement concrete actions. All stakeholders who are committed to be fully involved in carrying out the specific actions of the Strategic Implementation Plan are invited to submit their contributions by filling in a form online. In addition it is possible to express intent to become a candidate reference site for the implementation of the EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing. A first deadline for submissions is set at 31 May 2012.
- The hunt is on for Local Digital Inclusion Champions: E-Inclusion Awards 2012 now open for entries
(15 February 2012) Everyone's online right? Wrong, almost a quarter of Europeans aged 16 and over have never used the internet! If you've supported other people to get online through a project, service or product, we want to hear about it and the benefits it has provided. Established by the European Commission, the e-Inclusion Awards is on a mission to discover and celebrate the most innovative ways of plugging the digital gap and helping people to enjoy the benefits of the internet. Aimed at inspiring individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs, NGOs and governments the Awards reward those championing the way forward and exploiting the potential of technology in dealing with today's challenges. With almost a quarter of Europeans remaining offline, growth of the digital economy will be stunted as will access to the benefits achieved from access to online facilities. Europe's Digital Agenda includes a vision of 'Every European Digital' in which all people truly benefit from technology innovations, improving their well-being throughout their lifetime and contributing to economic recovery. For individuals, the sense of achievement, empowerment and connection can be priceless! Deadline for submission of entries is 4 May 2012.
- Unleash your imagination in the European e-skills week project passion competition - deadline extented to 8 March 8
(6 February 2012) Where will e-Skills take you? How do you see the Digital Revolution transforming Europe? Put your creativity to the test today and win a cash prize. And chance to launch your career. Tell us a story. Create a campaign. Demonstrate how e-Skills can help people get a job, fuel innovation or drive creativity. How? That's up to you, but we will accept any medium – from mobile devices, tablets, illustrations, digital design, story-telling, music, video, posters and social media – you can post your entry on Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube or whichever digital platform suits you best. Get going! Build a community of followers. And when you are ready, tell us about it. You could win thousands of euros in cash and more prizes sponsored by e-Skills Week 2012 partners. And all entries will be promoted by the official e-Skills Week channels. You might very well be on the first step towards launching your career. Get your thinking caps on quickly though. The deadline for entries has been extented to March 8 2012.
- CIP Workshop: #FundICT for Health, Ageing Well & Inclusion - Video stream of the day available now
(22 February 2012) If you could not attend nor follow via the webstream the workshop that occured on 17/02, you'll still be able to check what happened!
Contact: INFSO-H1-H3-JOINED-CALLS@ec.europa.eu
See also: CIP ICT PSP programme - NEWS ARTICLE
- CIP Workshop: #FundICT for Health, Ageing Well & Inclusion - presentations available online
(22 February 2012) Following a very intense and successful day, all the presentations (CIP ICT-PSP programme objectives and showcases) are now available on the website. The webstreamed video will be available later on.
Contact: infso-ict-psp@ec.europa.eu
- #EU funded projects will actively take part in King's Fund event discussions
6 March 2012 - 7 March 2012 London, UK
Several projects will actively participate to the discussions on topics like self-management for people with long-term conditions, remote monitoring and telecare. Help4Mood: avatar-based support for treating people with major depression in the community; MyHeart: results of the trial - a telemonitoring system for heart failure patients integrating innovative sensors; IPTS-JRC: Experiences on integrated personal health systems - evidence from eight European countries; MonAMI: the social benefits of telecare, EIP-AHA: Building capacity for the Actions of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
- European e-Skills Week 2012
26 March 2012 - 30 March 2012
The European e-Skills Week 2012 is a European campaign focused on showing people how to get jobs through e-skills in the digital age. Building on the success of e-Skills Week 2010, the DG for Enterprise and Industry has again teamed up with DIGITAL EUROPE and European Schoolnet, to drive awareness of the need for e-skills and their benefits. Together with industry partners, education bodies and public authorities, the campaign will deliver an exciting programme of events and activities in more than 30 countries; culminating in a dedicated e-Skills Week between 26 and 30 March 2012.
- Get Online Week 2012 – You are invited!
26 March 2012 - 30 March 2012
Get Online Week 2012 is a digital inclusion campaign on 26th-30th March in Telecentres: public internet centres in NGOs, libraries & education venues. The campaign is organised by Telecentre-Europe AISBL. Get online week 2012 will help people to get online, find work, learn new essential ICT skills, and get more out of life. It will bring together 5.000 telecentres in at least 50 countries across Europe, Eurasia and Africa to support at least 200.000 people in their online journeys. This year, the telecentre networks involved will use new learning products that will support the themes of intergenerational learning, youth employability, active aging, civic participation, social engagement and women in ICT. Read about one of the new exciting online tools - SKILLAGE is a new ICT employability learning and assessment product for young people. There will be a thousands of activities spread across Europe! Please become a stakeholder and support your national campaign coordinator highlight einclusion efforts in your country and region.
Contact: Laurentiu Bunescu, Project Manager: Laurentiu.Bunescu(at)telecentre-europe.org
See also: SKILLAGE is a new ICT employability learning and assessment product for young people - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing From Strategy to Action
3 April 2012 Brussels
The Conference "European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: From Plan to Action" will be opened by Vice-President Neelie Kroes and Commissioner John Dalli. The Steering Group of the pilot Innovation Partnership, the European Commission and a plethora of stakeholders in the field of active ageing will together discuss how to move from the planning phase - delivered with the Strategic Implementation Plan - to implementing concrete actions. The Conference represents a major opportunity for stakeholders who are willing to put the plan into action. During the conference, they will have the opportunity to meet each other, express their interest in one or more areas of active and healthy ageing and discover common interests.
New in the Library
- Video presentation of the eGOS project: e-Guidance and e-Government Services
16 January 2012
The project aims at improving employability and guidance practitioners' capacity building through the activities of a prototype service that will enable the delivery of educational and vocational e-guidance services, also to cross-border mobility. This eGOS system enables decision makers in charge with educational, training and employment policies to reach also those citizens that, for different reasons, wouldn't be able to take benefit from traditional guidance services. The project is partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.
See also: Website of the eGOS project
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