jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Post-doctoral position - Computational Vision DTIC

(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por RedIRIS (Red española para la investigación)
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Bolsas de empleo:

Institución:Department of Information and Communication Technologies UPF
Contacto correo-e:aurelio.ruiz@upf.edu
SEE DETAILS AT http://www.upf.edu/dtic/en/ofertes_treball/offers.html

Applications are invited for a full-time junior post-doctoral research position in the Computational Vision Section of the Computational Neuroscience group (CNS), led by Laura Dempere-Marco at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). The position is covered by a spanish national grant on the use of visual search as a hallmark of cognitive function (project MINECO-TIN2013-40630-R)

The project will explore the visual search experimental paradigm and its potential to develop objective assessments of cognitive function as well as its decline with aging. To this end, we will make use of two different approaches: 1) design and analysis of novel visual tasks, which integrate
eye-tracking data providing a full behavioral account of how the tasks are solved, and 2) computational modelling of the neurodynamics underlying visual search processes. The research tasks of the successful candidate will be mostly focused on the first approach.

We seek candidates working in Computational Vision with strong programming skills (advanced scientific programming in Matlab) and experience in eye-tracking experimentation and analysis.

The successful candidate will develop a vigorous research program that contributes to, and complements, ongoing research studies. The candidate will have access to state-of-the-art facilities.

Información complementaria de la oferta:

We offer onsite laboratory facilities (http://lnucc.upf.edu
) and a highly interdisciplinary and active research environment at the Center for Brain and Cognition (with four ongoing ERC grants) within the Department of Information and Communication Technologies - which has in total 9 ongoing ERC grants - at the UPF in Barcelona.
position will be initially funded for one year (renewable for a second year).
Starting date: February 2015
Gross Salary: 21,500 Eur/Year (equivalent to Juan de la Cierva training fellowship)


Applications should include:
- a C.V. including a list of publications
- the names of two referees who would be willing to write letters of recommendation
- a short cover letter describing research interests
Information about the research group:
and about the research center:
For informal enquiries about the position and applications, please contact

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

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