Latest News
- 6th Annual World Health Care Congress—Europe
19 May 2010 - 20 May 2010 Brussels, Belgium
This forum convenes over 400 leaders from all sectors of health care to share the best practices and successful initiatives for improved delivery and outcomes in Europe. Among the topics discussed are issues such as "Successful eHealth implementation : improving quality, access and costs" and "Ambient Assisted Living - new solutions for the ageing population".
- European SME Week 2010
25 May 2010 - 1 June 2010 Across Europe
The European SME Week aims to provide information on what the EU and national, regional and local authorities are offering as support to micro, small and medium-sized businesses; it aims to promote entrepreneurship so that more people, and in particular younger ones, seriously consider becoming an entrepreneur as a career option; it wants to give recognition to entrepreneurs for their contribution to Europe's welfare, jobs, innovation and competitiveness. More than 600 events, targeting established and potential entrepreneurs, will take place in 37 countries.
- RENEWING HEALTH - Regions of Europe working together for Health
(16 May 2010)RENEWING HEALTH aims at implementing large-scale real-life test beds for the validation and subsequent evaluation of innovative telemedicine services using a patient-centred approach and a common rigorous assessment methodology. In 9 of the most advanced regions in the implementation of health-related ICT services, belonging to 9 different Member States or Associated Countries, service solutions are already operational at local level for the telemonitoring and the treatment of chronic patients suffering from diabetes, COPD or CVD diseases.
See also: Study MethoTelemed - PRESS RELEASE
- Digital Agenda: Commission welcomes European Parliament's support
(5 May 2010)The European Parliament's views on Europe's digital future have been welcomed by European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes. In particular, the Commissioner welcomed proposals from Parliament that all EU citizens should have access to broadband internet by 2013, be able to use their mobile phones as a mobile wallet and have access to all public services online by 2015. The Commission will take into account the European Parliament's Resolution adopted today in the preparation of its forthcoming Communication on a Digital Agenda for Europe, one of the flagships of Europe 2020, the Commission's new economic strategy for Europe.
- Coping with an ageing population – Learning from good eHealth and telecare practices (SMART 2010/0023)
(Deadline: 04/06/2010) The overall objective of the study is to give an overview of how different national models of long-term care have reacted to the challenge of an ageing population and promoted the deployment of home care services through the use of ICT for older people with chronic diseases. The study shall also demonstrate the actual and potential social and economic gains that are associated to these services. The geographical scope of the study is the EU27, Norway, Iceland and Croatia.
New in the Library
- Towards the EU-LAC Knowledge Area
17 May 2010
Report prepared in view of the EU-LAC Summit in Madrid in May 2010. It compiles projects representing Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union for Sustainable Development and Social Inclusion.
See also: ICT for Health project COMOESTAS
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